Someone Should Tell DirecTv...

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Well I'm very pleased with DISH that is now supplying 29 HD channels to me plus I receive 5 Locals OTA in HD. When the original VOOM went down I thought it may be years before 38 HD channels would be available again. If you read what they announced yesterday at their Team Summit as to future plans, the future looks great. However Charlie stated they may not alway be "The HD Leader" as they are now! I guess that is a reference to DirecTV's future plans. I have maintained my D* HD account, but use DISH as much as possible due to PQ for SD & HD. Last year I thought D* was going to offer a free up-grade to MPEG4 in January of 2006. May now be 2007! Since I have a large investment in DirecTV Tivo equipment I stay around as many of the present D* customers, but one thing for sure if you don't have E* now, you are missing out on some great HD programing. I would never have thought that DISH would be so far ahead of DirectTV in HD programing at this time, last year. Enjoying today with DISH, but have covered the future by staying with DirecTV too, just in case they get their act together.
While NESN HD is good for the boston area people, it does very little for the rest us who are not in the boston area or buying any sports package. As far as I am concerned, not doing anything for the rest of us.
You guys have got to stop ragging on Sean for telling the truth!

I am a D* sub and have been very unhappy with the quality of the HD channels. Our HD-Tivo is slower than crap, and the wife-happiness level in the service is going downhill fast.

We're going to switch to Comcast when we move to our new house.
Plywodstatebum said:
NESN HD dosen't do anything for us that live on Planet Earth.

I would hope D* comes back with more than this. Plus, hasn't E* already announced that they'll have all of the regional sports stuff in HD later this year? D*, you have been severely cut. You're going to need more than a band-aid.
uncrules said:
Hmmm, for a site that claims to be impartial in regards to providers it seems a bit tacky for a staff member to be taunting D* over E*'s recent HD launches.

In case you haven't noticed, sometimes this site is a serious E* propaganda machine. It's no big secret that they favor E*.
IMO, touting themselves as HD leader is just another example of their corrupt business practices.( I.e. outright lying, fraud etc) Standard operating procedure for Directv. Giving the Hdtivo away with ST or at reduced price is damage control.
dervari said:
In case you haven't noticed, sometimes this site is a serious E* propaganda machine. It's no big secret that they favor E*.

Sure seems like it sometimes! It's not the forum itself but just a few who like to knock D*. I block those few out so I don't even see their posts. It's a great feature on this forum. I have had D* for 6 years and I'm sticking with them but I'm not over on the E* forum taking pot shots. :D
Brewer4 said:
I think something is coming. Look at the HD Tivo blowout thread. They are giving these things away and rumors of new HD DVR coming soon and swapout. Its only a hunch but I think some more HD channels are coming in the fall while more MPEG4 HD locals get rolled out in the next few months. Not necessarily leading but stuff is coming.

That something is only the HD LIL channels. They have already said they have no more capacity to do any national HD channels until 2007. They already have to turn off all the PPV and other channels to give us HD-LITE NFL ST.

I gave up on D* two weeks ago and am back to being amazed when I watch HD. I forgot what that was like.

Plywodstatebum said:
NESN HD dosen't do anything for us that live on Planet Earth.

Now why would you insult a mans opinion about what TV means to him? Perhaps you could have said...I am not into sports and NESN is just a regional sports station so it doesn't matter to most people.

All I stated was that IF the rumor was true then I would be a happy D* sub? And for that you take umbrage?

I believe D* stating that they are the HD leader is very misleading at this time. Especially since D*'s plans are for the future.

Perhaps in D*'s view ..E* is throwing as much HD crap as they can right now at the consumer because they know when D* has their ducks in a row D* will be the HD leader.

As for now D*'s pq is poor and their HD lineup is limited. The question you would then ask is if that is so why do you have it? My response would be this...I don't watch tons of TV. I use it as an outlet to view sporting events. At this time D* has and edge on the others because of ST. If they didn't have that I would probably still have cable!

As for Sean's original post ...yes D*'s ad campaign is very misleading.

As for the site being slanted towards E*...its expected. There are a couple factors. 1.) D* keeps everything as tight lipped as possible. 2.) E* does everything it can to keep its consumers informed of "upcoming events." 3.) The guy who runs the site has E*! Of course his focus would be towards E*.

On his defense, and I don't know the guy a lick, if D* made it easier to get information, then I am sure he would love to post it here. It would only make this site that much better.

All anyone has to do is look at the interest when he posted the plans for D* for the upcoming year. He knows the interest is if D* would only let him tap into it his membership would increase and his site would be that much stronger.
I called D* on Friday to talk to them about all the HD offerings available on E* and not D*. The CSR told me flat out that yeah, E* was kicking their butts on the HD front and they knew it. He also gave me the standard line about how things are going to get better in 2007 when D* will provide "over 100 channels of high-definition".

I mentioned E* began transmitting NatGeoHD and asked him when D* was going to do that, he said he didn't know because "they don't tell us CSRs anything." WTF?

When I said I was considering jumping ship and going to E* the CSR offered me $99 off a pair of receivers and said if I talked directly to Retention they would offer me more, but he didn't seem to care too much if customers left and went to E*. Or maybe I didn't have enough "hearts" next to my D* account.

If anyone is unhappy about D*'s HD (Lite) like I am they need to call and complain. That's the only way D* is going to understand people are ticked off.
What makes everyone think that Directv is gonna be the leader in HD in 2007. Not for anything, DISH has alot of FSS Capacity just as Directv has some of the KA Capacity.

As long as DISH has an exclusive contract with VOOM, its gonna be a while before they catch up to DISH.

Maybe Directv can add some more HD locals than Dish, like they are already doing with Detroit. But I would give up the downconverted locals any day for an OTA antenna and DISH Networks 29 channel offering.
I agree that E* is kicking D*'S ass right now as far as HD channels are concerned. The only channel I wish i had is NFL HD and maybe Worldsport HD. Other than those noyhing else matters to me. I don't think NESN HD will be added in July, but if it is I better get it. I would love to watch the Sox and Bruins in HD. I am gonig to stick with D* for the time being. If E* comes out with the RSN's in HD I will considering signing up with them.
NESN-HD?!?! NNNOOOO!!!!:devil:

What will ultimately determine who's the HD leader will be PQ, Dish probably will match what D* offers in 07. THere is so much HD programming to go around.

I guess I don't know the answer, but what can D* offer besides NFLST that Dish won't be able to match?
I agree, Vgsantiago. Sooner or later they will all offer the same HD channels, just like they offer the same SD channels. Eventually they will offer everthing, but they better figure out a way to offer phone and internet like cable does. I will never go back to cable. Directv, Dish, or Fios (when available) will be my options. Comcast takes over here later this year. I will not give them a dime.
dervari said:
In case you haven't noticed, sometimes this site is a serious E* propaganda machine. It's no big secret that they favor E*.

Sorry, but an outright, boldfaced lie. Any difference between the news levels / chatter / opinions is based purely on the various DBS corporations, and what's going on with them at a given time.

Sorry, but HD LIL (for most), the baby channel, and CD USA isn't going to keep people interested in our site :)
Ahh....any body have change for a $20?:D ;)

Seriously folks, UNTIL D* does SOMETHING...ANYTHING about their HD content everything they say you have to take with a grain of salt. They have had more or less the same HD channels for what? 2-3 years now? Then theres the NFL ST...I was with D* back in 2001 when I 1st bought my HDTV and was all excited...but then something happened....NFL ST went from $149 to now, what? Almost $300 !!
Wait until that ST contract is complete...I doubt D* will have enough $$$ to pay for an exclusive contract so it will be offered to EVERYONE...then things will get interesting.....:D Until FiOS comes to Miami(which I doubt.....), I will stick with E*.
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