Someone brings up a good point

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The correct answer is the NAB and $$$

They forget that they are using Public Airwaves. They can also see that the handwriting is on the wall and soon with IPTV their licenses could be worthless.

They need to run to the government when ever some new technology comes up begging the goverment to make a law to protect their meal ticket.

Look at all the crap they are trying to pull because of Satellite Radio is taking away their audience, they are too stupid to realize the reason most are going to Satellite Radio is because broadcast radio is garbage.

They forget that is is America, and we have the freedom of choice. They want to dictate to us what we can and can not watch. Last time I looked at a map it did not say Russia on it for where I live.

The NAB should take a look at what the recording industry has done, they were against online music, faught hard against it and now they have realized there is a market out there from online music, and are now profiting big time because they accepted the technology.

I know many people would be willing too pay EXTRA to watch their hometown news and teams, its money that as of now is not being seen by anyone because the broadcasters have their heads stuck up their asses.
So the correct approach is not to go around the law, pretending to comply. That would be like Rosa Parks getting on the bus in whiteface makeup.

If you want the law changed, bang on the legislators until you get their attention. Boycott the broadcasters that don't allow you to have it your way. Get press coverage for your movement. Civil disobedience means facing the law head on, and taking the consequences.

You may not win, but then again you may. That's how laws are changed.
Well to throw this in the ring your also talking about the internet when it comes to the sling box and radio stations being replayed over the net. With the slingbox the intentions are that even though your box may be in boston mass and your currently on the 23rd floor of the tokyo marriott in room 2395 that you are using the services souly for yourself and not broadcasting it or selling access to the programming on your slingbox and Im sure that if you read through all the fine print associated with slingbox that they must have covered that somewhere and if not then I just gave a lawyer something to look at.

With radio stations broadcasting over the net the net is still dark teritory when it comes to many laws with there currently being laws set up only a few sales related and some legal protections. Give it time and you will see radio stations loose the ability to stream live or recorded audio freely and or outside of a FCC determined DMA probably in the next year or two. Look how quickly youtube got jumped on and has started removing content on its servers once big money got in the scene by way of google.

As I had stated before I understand that its not hacking and not stealing atleast in the sence of hacking but as has been pointed out it is using deception to circumvent federal law(s) set up to protect local businesses and affiliates from being financialy impacted negatively by loosing viewers and paying subscribers within the market they service. Thinking on this its alot like the whole buy American and buy local arguement that goes around all the time and really isnt any diferent if you look at it.
because you are paying someone for the service that has no right to sell it to you and you are getting it by lying about your address and damaging the party who has the only right to give you that signal in that DMA. In essence you are lying to get around the FCC laws for DMA's. The rules are in place to protect the local affiliates and they would argue that you are stealing money from them. Their existence depends on advertisers and if you reduce their veiwership they get less dollars and go out of business.
Sure you're taking away the "local" affiliate advertisers. But lets put this in perspective

The DMA I live in (Minneapolis, MN) runs from the border of Iowa to the border of Canada damn near. The most Northern part of the DMA is 225+ miles away yes they still get the same channels as me in SW suburbs of Minneapolis. Do you think they really give 2 sh**s about the "local" advertisers. Local to them is Bemidji, which the "local" stations that they are in do not carry. I don't think they will be driving to Denny Hecker's auto place in Minneapolis to buy a car or going to Shock Cellular in the Twin Cities to get a cell phone. My uncle lives 3 hours from Minneapolis and less than an hour from Fargo, yes his county is in the Mpls DMA. His cable gets CBS & NBC from Fargo along with the Mpls stations. Plus 2 of the 4 Mpls stations are owned by the network so if I see a Subway ad on WCCO (local CBS) or WCBS (NY) it's the same ad

I use to live in Duluth, MN and wanted to keep those locals. So I changed my billing address and moved the physical to the cabin. If someone really wants to get a hard on (the VIP receiver molester at dbstalk rings a bell) I have an address in the Duluth DMA. Yes the box is at my house in Mpls but I have a legit address in the Duluth DMA. Am I doing anything wrong there? By the way, Duluth knows how to do advertising there. They show ads for the whole DMA not just a little bit like Mpls does :D
OK now back on topic. Yes moving is signal theft, at least according to federal law as last I checked the FCC governs who can get what radio signals, and where and how, not the members of this forum as some would try and make you think.
Haven't we gone through the legal/illegal argument in the other thread, I though this was to ask if it was hack talk or not???
Haven't we gone through the legal/illegal argument in the other thread, I though this was to ask if it was hack talk or not???

Nope, it is a question as to wether or not it is ok to give advice / promote the practice of phantom moving on this site as it could be just as potentialy harmful to the sites image as that of openly discussing and providing/promoting dbs hacking.

I can understand the concept when your getting screwed say in the case of a customer I had 3 years ago who had a Washtenaw county village of Manchester Michigan address but his property was all but save for 5ft by 7ft in Jackson county Michigan. Exactly how it is that dish knew that the vast majority of the customers property was not within Washtenaw county wich is in the Detroit DMA I have no idea but I tried to do everything I could to get the guy the Detroit locals to no avail. To me in his instance its a bit of a grey area because his mailbox is located on that 5x7 patch of Washtenaw county land and this customer just as those who live in the area's that are grey zones not covered by any DMA 50 mile radious such as Iceberg has pointed out are left out because of flaws in the mandates but I dont expect to see it fixed any time soon.
I will say this also, the cable companies are under the same umbrella as dbs when it comes to this as of my last visit to Jackson Michigan last May. One of my customers in the city had comcast and I checked the channels and as I had seen several times before they were getting the Lansing locals and the Detroit locals yet if she could not get Detroit locals based on this FCC regulation.
So the correct approach is not to go around the law, pretending to comply. That would be like Rosa Parks getting on the bus in whiteface makeup.

If you want the law changed, bang on the legislators until you get their attention. Boycott the broadcasters that don't allow you to have it your way. Get press coverage for your movement. Civil disobedience means facing the law head on, and taking the consequences.

You may not win, but then again you may. That's how laws are changed.

Thanks for the advice: Letter sent to both senators, anonymously; Went with StarChoice to boycott not only the broadcasters but also the whole FCC.

That is what you told me to do right?
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