Solutions for Common DIRECTV Problems

If you have DIRECTV service, start here for a list of solutions to common DIRECTV problems!

PROBLEM: No picture or sound

Check to make sure the receiver is plugged in and functioning.
Are front panel lights lit? Can you turn the receiver on with the front panel?
If you push a button on the remote, do you see a green light on the top? You may need new batteries.
Make sure TV is plugged in and turned on to the correct input.
This is a simple step but it's worth checking.
If you have the TV remote, try using the TV INPUT or SOURCE button to change the input to the right one.
Make sure all cables are connected between receiver and TV.
90% of problems are caused by bad cable connections. Make sure every cable is tight.

If you cannot turn on the receiver at all, even through the front panel, and you are sure it is plugged in, call 888-233-7563 for a replacement.

If your DIRECTV receiver and TV are both on but you still have no picture or sound, try changing cables between receiver and TV.

PROBLEM: Receiver is sluggish (more than normal)

DIRECTV receivers are often slower than other receivers from cable companies. This is a known issue. However, if your receiver has gotten slower than normal lately, try this diagnostic steps:

Double-reboot of your receiver:

Press the red reset button on your receiver or client.
As soon as the receiver is finished rebooting, reboot it again.
(Note: it may take a few minutes to speed up after a double reboot and should be at its fastest after 12 hours.)

Run a System Test on the receiver:
Non-Genie hardware
Press the{MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings&Help, Settings, Info & Test, Run System Test
Press the {DASH} button to confirm

Genie hardware and H26K
Press the MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings, Info&Test, Run System Test
Press the DASH button to confirm

If the message is "All Items OK" try the double-reboot procedure in the previous post.
If there is a code displayed, click here for common diagnostic error codes and solutions.

PROBLEM: Interactive content or On Demand will not work

Check the network status on each receiver:

Press the DASH button and confirm that "Internet: Connected" appears.
(On Genie or H26K with new menus, press DASH button twice.)

Reset the network connection on each receiver.

Non-Genie Hardware
Press the MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings&Help, Settings, Network Setup, Reset Network Defaults
…once network defaults are reset, choose Connect Now.

Genie Hardware and H26K

Press the MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings, Internet Setup, Reset Network Defaults
…once network defaults are reset, choose Connect Now.

If the receiver does not show that both Network and Internet are connected, or if Connect Now does not work, check cables and reset the router and Broadband DECA.
You may also wish to unplug and re-plug the SWM power inserter.

PROBLEM: Error Code 771, 775 or 776

Error Code 771:
This is a sign of poor signal strength. To test signal strength,
Press the MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings&Help (on Genie and H26K you will go straight to Settings)
View Signal Strength
Press DASH on remote
Check every satellite and every tuner
It is normal to see some zeroes or "N/A" listings but every other number should be at least 75. If you have many numbers lower than 75 you may need to reaim or replace your dish.

Error Code 775:

This is a sign of power loss from the multiswitch or dish. Check to make sure all cables are clean and free of corrosion, and tighten loose cables.
Unplug and re-plug the power inserter (HR54 and Genie 2 may not have a power inserter.)
If you continue to have these problems unplug one cable at a time as there may be a broken cable somewhere.

Error Code 776:

This is a sign that you have too many receivers plugged into the SWM. Count the number of tuners you are using. Check how many tuners you're using here.

  • If you have a standalone dish without a multiswitch, you only have between 8 and 13 tuner capacity.
  • If you have a SWM-8, you only have 8 tuner capacity.
  • If you have a SWM-16, you have 16 tuner capacity.
  • If you have a SWM-30, you have 13 tuner capacity on each output (15 tuner capacity if you are running ONLY H26K.)

For other common diagnostic codes, click here.

PROBLEM: iPad App does not control the receiver.

Check to make sure that External Device Access is turned on.
Press the MENU button on your remote, then navigate to:
Settings&Help (on Genie and H26K you will go straight to Settings)
External Device
Set all three options to "Allow."

PROBLEM: Blocky picture or lost signal

Check for loose cables or connections

Inspect all cables and ends to see if any cable has become bent or damaged. Inspect ends to see if they are loose or corroded.

Replace any cables that look damaged. Do not run cables under carpets or through areas where water can accumulate.

If cable runs are longer than 200 feet, consider rearranging the system or replacing wired receivers with wireless ones.

PROBLEM: Receiver or client turns off after 4 hours

Non-Genie Hardware

Press the MENU Button on the remote and go to:
Settings&Help, Settings, Power Saving
and turn Power Saving Off

Genie Hardware and H26K

Press the MENU Button on the remote and go to:
Settings, Power Saving
and turn Power Saving Off

PROBLEM: Can't see all channels in guide

While watching live TV, press INFO.
Arrow over to "Favorites"
Choose either "Channels I Get" or "All Channels" (Your choice)

If this doesn't fix things:

Refresh the receiver by logging into your account and going to your "My Equipment" page. Choose the link for "Refresh Receiver" next to the receiver that is having problems. This procedure can take up to 10 minutes to complete.

Still having problems?

Call the experts at 888-233-7563. We'll be happy to help you with anything you need. We have technicians on staff during East Coast business hours. If it's after hours, fill out the form below. We'll get right back to you!

The post Solutions for Common DIRECTV Problems appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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