Solid Spun Aluminum 8.5 footer - Maybe Regency

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Hey, LinuxMan--
That looks like a Birdview perfed reflector on your post pix. I'm a Birdview man, myself. Bought out the last of the "Spoons" when the company went toes up in Independence, Mo. Also have several complete white reflecor units; with flat-pack actuator and without.

Have had these in my garage for quite some time. Anybody out there need a complete system? Also have a number of runs of original Birdview twin cable.

Understood there was a former Birdview rep, R B Hawkins, selling those reed kits out of his home on the Gulf Coast. Installed several of them; worked well.

Glad to hear that C-band is still a topic of discussion amoung the knowing. . .here in Sunny California it's virtually all small dish!!!
Hey Jim,

If you think that dish was white, it could be a Birdview or a Horizion.

The original coat of paint was definitely white. There is still some residue of that left on the dish.

The diameter and depth fits the Birdview model, but nothing on the mount is anything like most of the Birdviews that I have seen except for one posted by George or Al (can't remember which) in one of these dish hunting threads that had an actuator fit to it. I'll have to find that picture and look at it more closely. Nothing would thrill me more than to think I actually had another Birdview. :D

I haven't ever seen a picture of a Horizon dish. I'll have to do a search on that.

Thanks again,

Hey there HaveBirdviews!

Yes, that is a perfed Birdview in my avatar. I found that one last spring, and am still thrilled with it.

Also have several complete white reflector units; with flat-pack actuator and without.

I'm not sure what you mean "flat-pack actuator". We are trying to identify this dish, and Birdview has been mentioned.

Do you have some pictures of the dishes with the "flat-pack actuator"? If you could post them, that would be great.


It was Swampman who had the picture of the Birdview solid on an actuator. I found it here, after sifting through a thousand posts or so. :yikes

Hey Swampman, do you have a picture of the back side of that solid Birdview on an actuator that you found?

After looking at that picture, it makes me think that this one is not a Birdview either. I could be wrong.

I haven't ever seen a picture of a Horizon dish.


If my memory serves me correct the Horizons were white 8, 10 and 12 foot dishes and mounted on a tri pod bolted to a concrete base. Back in the 80s there was a Horizon dealer located on my way to work and he had a 12er mounted in front of his building. Looked at that thing twice a day for years.
Thanks Jim,

I guess it isn't really important to find out exactly what it is. The important thing is that it performs well.

It is just one of those things, that is nice to know. :)

Well Harold,

I went to the local hardware store and bought a sheet of 1500 grit and a sheet of 600 grit sandpaper. Tried the 1500, and it didn't look like it was doing anything. Put the 600 in, and it didn't look like it was doing much either, but I went ahead and used it on the entire dish face, and it was leaving just a trace of powder behind. I have a little 4x4 block sander and I just let it rest on the dish surface with just the weight of the sander and pulled it up and down from the rim to the center all the way around the dish. I filled up 4 of the little squares I had made from the sheet so I know it was sanding something.

I rinsed it off again, and will leave it until I am actually ready to paint, then I plan on wiping it down with vinegar like in the old days just before painting. If nothing else, the vinegar will clean up any residue on the dish.

If anything, the surface seems smoother now than before.

Hey Inno,

Don't feel bad about doing what every other BUD owner did when they were told there was nothing else to receive out there.

Now all you have to do is go out and find some other dishes and save them from the re-cycler.

You didn't happen to save any manuals on those dishes did you?



I never did have the manuals that might have come with the dishes. I may still have a few old receiver manuals around though.
Sorry..........I don't have a clue but that one you have looks a whole lot like one I used to have. It had no identifying marks either.
I think if I dug around in the swamp near my mom's old place I could still find a 12' fiberglass dish that I had and never did anything with............shudder...........what a heavy piece of.............well anyway, back in the day those things dotted the landscape around here.
You guys have any recommendation for fixing the paint on my aluminium dish?

The dish is not more than 2 years old but when cleaned it and also waxed it the paint got strange spots everywhere i can not get rid of.

I just wish i never touched the paint from the beginning.

Is there some method to make the paint nice again? i used rubber polish for cars but it made things even worse.
I thought of two things

I was thinking of two things. LOL.

FIrst next time I go down hill sleeding. I'll borrow your dish.

Next I figured you should have just buffed it up shinney instead of paint.


Hi Josh!

FIrst next time I go down hill sleeding. I'll borrow your dish.

Next I figured you should have just buffed it up shinney instead of paint.

Both are great thoughts, but sledding down a hill in a dish like this one, wouldn't give you much control over where you were going, and if I left it nice and shiny bright and the sun hit it just right, it might melt the feed-horn and LNBs. :)


What was that polish Clark Griswold used on his sled in Christmas Vacation? That'd sure shed some rain and snow!!

"...and I'm gonna look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, over stuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spider lipped, worm headed sack of monkey sh*t he is! Hallelujah, holy sh*t.........where's the Tylenol?" discussion of shiny aluminum things is complete without a reference to that movie........and that particular quote has got to be my favorite movie line of all time!

But on a more serious note, the comment you made about melting the LNB.......what if you did polish the dish but instead of an LNB you put some sort of boiler connected to a turbine of sorts.......that's something I've been thinking about........or perhaps connected to a hot water supply or heating system, or some other way of extracting the massive amount of energy you'd be scooping up.
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