Solar panels kits

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I like the generator idea but if the gas station runs out or can't pump the gas I am in a mess. Harshness I was thinking if SHTF. Do I have to talk about in the pit area? I do like that video.

I don't know who "Dan" is. danristheman? I fail to see anything political in his posts either.

In this post here he talks about wanting back ups in case the sh*t HITS THE FAN (SHTF). He even asks. :)
I was wondering short term and long term off the grid solution. Since i live in an apartment that bans everything except for drugs. Trying to figure out what can be my options for energy. I wasn't mad Michael just wanted to clarify from the mods where this should go? My name is Dan Rose i have used my screenname since high school. I see things that are getting worse overall around the world not politics other than that. So i was wanting to get prepared for if something happened.
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I think I've pretty well covered the available solutions and for you and it lies uniquely with a generator. Solar isn't an option if you don't have thousands of square feet to permanently set up panels and house a large cache of storage batteries. The same goes for windmills.

Renters and lessees simply don't have the control needed to effect the landscape-altering changes to the property required. The same is probably also true of those living under the authority of homeowner's associations.

Reasoning that there must be a long-term solution to an end-of-days scenario isn't reasonable.
I'm new new here and saw this thread and I built a small solar generator for power outages and here's my thoughts.

It's good to have a gas generator for basic outages. When it comes to natural disasters, things change a little bit. A gas generator is good until you run out of gas. In a natural disaster, even gas stations run out of gas, so what do you do then? Solar can be an option as it's rechargeable.

I built a small solar generator. One 100W panel and one 100AMH deep cycle battery. I bought the whole kit on Amazon for about $650(yes, expensive); it came with the solar panel, controler, batter and inverter. When I wired it all up, I also assed a trickle charger. That way I can leave it plugged in and keep the batter charged. Then when the power goes out, The batter is fully charged and if the power is out for a long period, I can use the solar panel to charge the battery. Of course you can add more batteries and panels as you see fit.

I put a couple lamps in my living room that use LED bulbs and I bought a small 13" tv and a digital antenna. So when the power does go out, I should be able to have light, watch tv and charge my phone. It won't power my whole house but I won't be blind and in the dark.
I had the same idea about the gas station running out of gas. Solar is most of the time there.
For me since I also have natural gas, a NG powered generator would be a good choice. But I'm still lookin at over 10G for an automated system installed.
I got a combo gas/propane 7000 watt unit for $550 on sale at Costco.
The point remains that you can't live off of a temporary solar system. You need a full off-grid system rated to power whatever you need to use and it has to be fully charged when the power goes out. Needs typically include some sort of heating (hot water if nothing else), refrigeration and more than just a couple of 60W equivalent lamps.

danristheman was looking for something he could deploy in an emergency and that's not how solar works (unless you have a trailer with a large fold-out solar panel array mounted on it).
Something like this could work

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