Are you sure it didn't reset your output to 480 4:3? I've heard of that happening, although it's never happened to me.
Nope. That's one of the first things I checked, settings on 722 and HDTV are all the same as before the update when everything worked. The component output also displays a squashed picture, by the way. After contacting Dish again today (and going through all the troubleshooting steps again) a different rep backed off on the original reps offer of a replacement DVR and just told me "it's an issue the engineers are aware of and they are working on a software fix". So maybe some other people have reported this happening as well, in any case until then I just have to change the setting on my HDTV from 16:9 "Normal" to "Wide". The guide and menus look stretched, but the 16:9 broadcasts look normal (unsquashed and without distortion) minus some black bars on the top and bottom. I guess that will have to do for now.