SoftWare Update: v.281

Where I live, there's no need to campaign for him.

What I don't understand are these undecided voters. C'mon already! Make up your fuggin minds. These two guys could not be more different. It's a simple choice, like choosing between chocolate or... a really dumb guy from Texas.

Oh yeah. The SW update ain't working. Just like 2.80, it gets stuck in the middle.
LOL, campaigning for sKerry around here would get you chained to the back of a pickup truck and drug the length of I-40. (but enough about what I do for fun on the weekends :D )

yeah, now I get to naively wait for a week to get the update just to find that the DD still isn't fixed... if it isn't this time i'm gonna have to call the executive csr's again to complain about only getting half of what i'm paying for that other people are getting for free. :cool:
OdiOdin said:
LOL, campaigning for sKerry around here would get you chained to the back of a pickup truck and drug the length of I-40. (but enough about what I do for fun on the weekends :D )QUOTE]

LOL I think the candidates choice of women pretty much sums it up.....
OdiOdin said:
LOL, campaigning for sKerry around here would get you chained to the back of a pickup truck and drug the length of I-40. (but enough about what I do for fun on the weekends :D )
I see they truly enjoy an intellectual exchange of ideas, as well as our sacred constitutional right to freedom of speech, at your trailer park.
Back on topic

Well....the downloading of 2.81 is getting stuck at 3 bars, just like it did for 2.80. This time, however, nothing I try gets it to work. I've hard and soft rebooted numerous times, done switch checks, and reset to factory defaults through the menu.

Has anybody alse had this problem?

Does anybody know how to completely reset the 811 aka "memory dump"? There must be something causing this hiccup, and purging everything from the memory would probably get rid of it.
I can't think of a way to reset the thing completely that doesn't involve voiding the warranty as well :D...

Gary, I would have it replaced. If it has done this twice to you, that just screams bad memory, and if that is the case, that 811 will always be borked one way or the other.
Nothing worse than a borked 811! :D

OTOH, it works fairly well, other than the standard "acquiring signal" bug, and a few of the other standard minor bugs. I'd hate to get stuck with one that's even more borked. But, if it refuses to download sw updates, I guess I really have no choice. :no
I can't even get mine to turn on today. I work out of town all week, every week, so the 811 doesn't get used but on Sat and Sun. When I got home this morning to watch some football and turned it on I got nothing. I automatically assumed it was downloading software and pulled up this site. I tried to turn it on about two hours ago and still nothing, no lights, no nothing. Any suggestons?
GaryPen said:
I see they truly enjoy an intellectual exchange of ideas, as well as our sacred constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Uh-huh. Observe the lefts wings true idea of free speech via the Sinclair brew-haha. As always, it's only the speech and ideas they agree with that deserve protection. :p

BTW - Which side do you like your Kerry buttered on? ;)

NightRyder said:
Uh-huh. Observe the lefts wings true idea of free speech via the Sinclair brew-haha. As always, it's only the speech and ideas they agree with that deserve protection. :p
Apparently, you don't understand the concept of "free speech" as it applies to an FCC-licensed broadcaster. What Sinclair is attempting to do is not free speech. As a broadcaster, they are required to be "fair and balanced", (as opposed to using it as an advertising slogan that has as much truth in it as "new and improved".)

There used to be a fairness dosctrine, which meant that a broadcaster could not air anything that promoted one candidate over another (or, conversely, made the case against one candidate) without airing both sides.

As such, I think Michael Moore's suggestion that they follow the "John Kerry Eats Babies" documentary with "Fahrenheit 911" to be an excellent and fair compromise. Or, perhaps the recently released "Up River" documentary, since that is a positive John Kerry documentary, would provide better balance than an anti-Bush piece like F911.
Got it to update, finally. It took two memory dumps to dislodge whatever was stuck in its throat. (I think the first memory dump didn't actually dump.)

OTA guide info is nice. It's obviously a work in progress. At least I could get rid of the Dish locals in the 2-99 range in the guide.
So exactly how is Dish correlating the Digital Channel with EPG info?

Do they go by UHF/VHF frequency?
PSIP Channel mapped value?
PSIP Channel identifier?

Also are you guys getting info on the sub channel? My ABC affiliates put that "ABC News Now" on their x.2 channel. Just curious if you are seeing that too?
Just a guess on my part....

I would suspect that Dish knows which channel belongs to which affiliate, which then maps back to an analog channel for which they have guide data.

For stations running a single channel (as opposed to sub-channels) then it's a 1-1 mapping from channel xxxx. For stations running subchannels the guide info for channel XX-2 would have to come from the PSIP data.

That's reasonable assumption, as the guide is only showing info for the mirrored digital channels, but none of the .2 and above subchannels, except in the case of two of my PBS ststations.

However, the PBS issue may mean that they are sending guide info independantly to the digital channels (even if it's the same info), as opposed to simply mapping a copy from the analog channel locally on the 811.

With the resources of Gemstar/TV Guide, you'd think they could populate all of the guide channels with info, though. This OTA guide info deal will not be complete until they get info for all local channels and subchannels, at least in the cities they serve with LIL's.
Clock errors !

Mine is still at 280LADD-N. Don't trust the clock on an 811, we were late to church because of it. Also having a lot of the remote not responding. Yes I turn the 811 off at night, yes batteries are fresh duracells and addresses set correctly. It is software weirdness. I am very close to giving up. There is enough to watch OTA now.

As for the presidential race, just be glad anyone even wants the job, and more importantly pray SOMEONE actually wins it or there will be a military coup and/or total chaos. It seems very likely at this point.
GaryPen said:
That's reasonable assumption, as the guide is only showing info for the mirrored digital channels, but none of the .2 and above subchannels, except in the case of two of my PBS ststations.

Not sure here. I am getting guide info for all my sub channels on ABC. .1 .2 and .3. THe .3 channel is a weather forecast for what its worth. I also have guide info on my .1 and .2 PBS channels.

I have been doing a lot of OTA watching today and switching channels periodically to try and hit the acquring signal bug. So far I have not had it happen. Anyone hit it yet?

No BSOD here yet. I only got BSOD about 4 to 6 times over the 2.80 so It will take a while for me to hit it.

I use the 811 on a daily basis.

Can I do this?

Help! Poor picture quality with Dish

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