Software Download

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Jun 30, 2005
I decided to force a download on my Directv standard Mpeg 4 HD Reciver to see if that helps with some of the issues I have been happening. Right now the percentage has not increased, but in the left hand corner numbers are rising. The layout for these numbers are for example 1/1/11..Right now my numbers are currently climbing and the numbers shown are 4/175/30 and rising...What do these numbers stand for? and does it reach a certain number before the percentages at the bottom start to move??

I have asked DTV to send me yet another box...This will be box number 4!..Anyways numbers now are 4/212/40???

I decided to force a download on my Directv standard Mpeg 4 HD Reciver to see if that helps with some of the issues I have been happening. Right now the percentage has not increased, but in the left hand corner numbers are rising. The layout for these numbers are for example 1/1/11..Right now my numbers are currently climbing and the numbers shown are 4/175/30 and rising...What do these numbers stand for? and does it reach a certain number before the percentages at the bottom start to move??

I have asked DTV to send me yet another box...This will be box number 4!..Anyways numbers now are 4/212/40???


I think you are wasting your time asking DTV to send you new boxes. As far as I know most remaining problems on the H20 are software ones.
What issues do you still have, my H20 is doing pretty well....
Im having the same problems on one of my boxes. The other one works fine. I have to keep resetting due to that I can not play anything recorded. I often miss recordings. Then if I tap the top of the box you can hear the hard drive spin up. Then I reset. After about two hours it will lock up again. I will be calling D* today. I was waiting to see if the software downloads would do something. But no joy.
That means DirecTV has stopped the transmission of the update...

I decided to force a download on my Directv standard Mpeg 4 HD Reciver to see if that helps with some of the issues I have been happening. Right now the percentage has not increased, but in the left hand corner numbers are rising. The layout for these numbers are for example 1/1/11..Right now my numbers are currently climbing and the numbers shown are 4/175/30 and rising...What do these numbers stand for? and does it reach a certain number before the percentages at the bottom start to move??

I have asked DTV to send me yet another box...This will be box number 4!..Anyways numbers now are 4/212/40???


I had that happen to me, and I thought it was a hardware problem with my HR20. However it's not a problem with your receiver. DirecTV shut down the stream on that update for some reason. Just reset your receiver and it will quit trying to download the update. December 1st is likely the next latest coming to enable OTA. Let it download on it's own without a forced update. There is really no reason to force an update, just let it download it when it's presented. Some updates dont go out nationally, they are staggered. It appears lately California gets the upates first, then the rest of the country within 48 hours of California.
I think you are wasting your time asking DTV to send you new boxes. As far as I know most remaining problems on the H20 are software ones.
What issues do you still have, my H20 is doing pretty well....

Well I had a technician last weekend and say all the signals were looking good, so what other choices do I have, but to see if it is the box.

As far as problems, that I am having is this: I can be watching ESPN for example, and get a feed from a completely diffrent channel, I also get a 771 error (searching for sat) message...Now on my other TV with a standard DVR I do not have this problem. This is not the HDDVR, just standard.....but I hope this does not continue with I upgrade to the HDDVR in a few week.

It just get frustrating becouse it might go a day or two without doing anything, then start acting funny...I have also swapped boxes in the past becouse, my previous boxes would just re-set themselves every half hour, made tv watching a Joy!
Well I had a technician last weekend and say all the signals were looking good, so what other choices do I have, but to see if it is the box.

As far as problems, that I am having is this: I can be watching ESPN for example, and get a feed from a completely diffrent channel, I also get a 771 error (searching for sat) message...Now on my other TV with a standard DVR I do not have this problem. This is not the HDDVR, just standard.....but I hope this does not continue with I upgrade to the HDDVR in a few week.

It just get frustrating becouse it might go a day or two without doing anything, then start acting funny...I have also swapped boxes in the past becouse, my previous boxes would just re-set themselves every half hour, made tv watching a Joy!

You haven't mentioned what recievers you are talking about, unless I missed it for an earlier post, there were a few receivers that had the resetting problem, my H-10 use to do that but D* has fixed that with updates, I guess because it doesn't do it anymore.

The H20's have has issues for awhile now.
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