I think he's one in the same, and yes he does act like a know-it-all which really annoys those of us who really DO know it all.
Nevertheless, I think Scott's ire should be directed more at the OP chaney, and not Smith P.

ScottChez said:I wonder if when the big storm Sandy knocks out the sat due to rain fade if more will come visit this thread looking for an over the air tuner to get their locals? This thread as been viewed 51,171 times so far as of this post.
I hope we are simply waiting on something simple like FCC approval or some kind of cert like that. You know those funny cert numbers we see on electronics that they don't interfer with othe radio devices. This is a new device and in some cases the main box is connected to the phone line or Internet.
I am so tempted to switch from directv to dish now taking the risk on OTA and going with what Scott's says and that it will come out sometime this year-November. It would be so bad if I was in a two year contract and dish changed there mind and had no OTA option, I wish dish corp would tell us more so I would know it was safe to order now.
I'm with you in not wanting to get into a 2 year contract until we know more about OTA. If Dish would just officially tell us it's coming and the reason for delay, I would be willing to upgrade now.
lucky86 said:I know that there isn't any official word yet, but I see an OTA USB Tuner for $30 listed in the Order From Store option at mydish.com once I logged in. It says OUT OF STOCK but this option wasn't even listed in there prior so clearly they are getting ready.
As someone on the other site discovered:
It would appear to put to rest the idea of two or more channels.
Yes it is coming out.
I would bet my last dollar on it.![]()