So who here signed up for DirecTV HD Extra pack?

Did you sign up for DirecTV HD Extra pack?

  • Yes

    Votes: 101 61.6%
  • No

    Votes: 63 38.4%

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After the first few days of having D* I kept seeing interesting programming on those channels only to find I didn't have them. I saw it was only about $6 so I decided to add the package only to find out I was free for three months.

The Smithsonian HD and HDNet Movies are worth it to me. I'm getting all the premium channels free for three months also but I haven't even bothered with those much yet. HBO in HD has been dissapointing so far.

I watched Universal HD a bit back when I had Voom (they were running BattleStar Galactica in HD before scifi was in HD).
I signed up for the extra HD package because I like HD that much!! $4.99 is a small price to pay for the quality of picture you get. Isn't that the whole reason you got the HD in the first place.

The thing that get's me is people will pay $3.50 for a pack of cigarettes but complain about $4.99 extra a month for extra HD package.
MGM is great. You get to see a lot of oddball movies that are never on ANYWHERE else. It's worth it alone.
HDNet Movies and MGM is worth it for, my wife enjoys those channels also and like others I would not hear the end of it if we no longer received them.
No knock against D* but my bill is high enough already. It took me long enough to finally pay off the HD Receiver and Sunday Ticket costs, and my recent HD purchase of the Royal Rumble. I'm not looking to add more money to my bill. I do somewhat miss HDNet Movies, but I don't really watch movies on D* anyways. It was cool to see "Pyscho" finally in HD, but the stations don't appeal enough to me. They really should just roll it into the existing package. The fact that I get Spike, FX, USA, AMC, NBA, NFL, Sci-Fi and others in HD are enough for me.

Huge props for FX with their implementing of HD into Nip/Tuck and other upcoming shows, and also for Sci-Fi. When I saw "The Matrix" in HD on that I was stunned by how good the quality was and its ability to "keep up" with the action even in 1080i.
MGMHD and HDNet movies are the reasons for me, too. Let's hope that HDN keeps up with the good programming. MGM has loads of archival stuff to keep us watching for years.

I signed up for it right away and am still getting it free. It will be interesting to see what other channels come onboard with no SD counterpart that get added down the road. :)
i signed up last month for the extra hd channels and love them.after watching hd i'm hooked it is fantastic to me as it is to everyone i assume
i noticed the last couple of weeks my locals are in hd and the guide was showing both hd and non hd. some channels are greyed out, ones i don't subscribe to i assume
the extra hd channels are great, worth the little extra cost to me
i pay just about 120 per month, that's high as i wanna go
but i have 4 recievers 1 is hd
Just said No on HD+ pack

Had for the 3 free months let it expire, don't think I even tuned in 3 of the 5 channels.

I have no desire to watch old movies (in HD or otherwise) so no use for HDNet movies & MGM HD.
Universal has commercials and is basically reruns of other NBC offerings. Smithsonian HD (boring).
I don't even know what the other channel shows

But if they add a channel I would actually watch, then yes I would add it.
For the few channels you get it's not worth it. Kind of like it was before the DirecTV 10 was fired up. I still had HD but wasn't happy paying for so little channels. Once they add more channels exclusive to that package or make it 1 package for all for $15 I'll jump on board.
I know most of you could care less but I wish they would add the old voom channels to the package. I miss watching those old TV shows from the 60s that were shot on film in HD.

However, that's what D* is advertising as Dish's mold flavored ice cream. So I doubt we'd be seeing that.
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