Probably because he doesn't carry them on his truck and has no idea that the technology even exists.....
Probably because he doesn't carry them on his truck and has no idea that the technology even exists.....
I love it. I let them pitch away and then after they are done I try to poke holes in their claims and ask them to compare their equipment to the Hopper and the features Dish offers. To me its worth the 5-10 minutes.
I would have been the same way. Radio Shack really went downhill the last 10 years.
Sams a matter of fact I signed up last December. I put the installation off for 3 weeks to allow me to research the stuff that the guy told me that I could do with the Direct system. Called that same night to Direct customer service and found out that 3 of the things he said I could do were not true. I canceled the service with no money out of pocket. I called Dish and ended up getting an upgrade with a Hopper and Joeys to replace my old service. Saved a lot of money and I couldn't be happier. Had a rough initial 5 weeks after the installation only to find that all of the problems I was encountering were due to the fact that the contract installer didn't upgrade the cabling for the Hopper to 3GHZ. He reused all my existing cabling much of which I installed 12 years ago. Bottom line after new cable from the Dish to the solo node, and new cable from the solo node to the Hopper, all is well. Jack