So what will Dish put on in place of CNNfn

Why does Dish (or DirecTV, Comcast, TW, etc) "have" to replace a channel that's went off the air ?? Channels come and go all the time, at least non-mainstream ones. Granted, anything CNN-related is relatively mainstream, but life goes on without it.
I wouldn't bank on the NFL Network anytime soon. I, along with most others on this board, know Dish has only recently improved in the sports category. They apparently don't think it's as important as DirecTV does. At the rate Dish is going, when DirecTV issues their own PVR, I'll be switching.
I would like to see that new 24 hour news channel "ABC News Now"
hall said:
Why does Dish (or DirecTV, Comcast, TW, etc) "have" to replace a channel that's went off the air ?? Channels come and go all the time, at least non-mainstream ones. Granted, anything CNN-related is relatively mainstream, but life goes on without it.
...Because customers are paying for a certian amount of channels and programming each month. That's 720 hours each month lost, just on one channel! Being a good programmer, they *should* replace it.
How many channels are in the AT60 package ?? More than 60.... How many are in the AT120 ?? More than 120....

You're already getting more than you pay for. Of course, someone will chime in that the "only reason I got Dish was for CNNFN"... :D
Bizzach said:
...Because customers are paying for a certian amount of channels and programming each month. That's 720 hours each month lost, just on one channel! Being a good programmer, they *should* replace it.
AT60: 77 channels
AT120: 137 chs plus RSN, alts & Sirius!
AT180: 192 chs plus RSN, alts & Sirius!
AlmostEP: 224 chs plus RSN, alts & Sirius!
152! LILs (12/16)
All counts include 13 shopping (9 on 110), 21 PI (4 on wings, 9 on 110) and 2 ESPN alts
AT120 includes 32 "CD" channels, AT180 includes 51 music channels
Counts do not include BingoTV, PPVs, RSNs, alts, Sirius, barkers and mirrors

(This includes the Pentagon Channel and New Abilities TV, available soon.)

One channel was lost from AT120 and above. While I'd love to get CNN International, it isn't a one channel for one channel swap. E* didn't drop a channel every time they added one in the past years, why should they be forced to add one?

justalurker said:
21 PI (4 on wings...)
I'm surprised that people don't complain about those "wing" channels too... I recall looking at the AT120 list once and seeing a few channels on 61.5' and 148' that I didn't get. I was pissed !! Oh wait, no I wasn't.... :D
hall said:
I'm surprised that people don't complain about those "wing" channels too... I recall looking at the AT120 list once and seeing a few channels on 61.5' and 148' that I didn't get. I was pissed !! Oh wait, no I wasn't.... :D
Given the choice (and we know this because E* tried to do it and were told NO) E* would have put all of the 9400 PIs on the wings.

ARTS is probably the most popular winged PI. And that puts the argument in a nutshell. :)

I agree, they should have an mxc station full of japanese stuff including comedies and anime in japanese and english. That will have a lot of viewers. I hope that replaces bingo tv or cnnfn.
CNN International PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

n1wbd said:
Now that CNNfn is shutting down tonite. What will Dish put up in its place?


I am hoping that it will be CNN International. It is much better than CNN Domestic. I was a regular viewer nights and weekends and enjoyed a reliable newscast every hour on the hour that was not slanted or "dumbed-down" for American viewers like all domestic networks seem to do. (By the way, if that is a ham call sign, I am K1GL).

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