Well, if you check LyngSat - Lyngemark Satellite packages on 61.5 satellite, you can see there are four hidef feeds and one SD feed listed with no channel names. Something is surely coming soon!
Or it could be a Mormon convention.
Well, if you check LyngSat - Lyngemark Satellite packages on 61.5 satellite, you can see there are four hidef feeds and one SD feed listed with no channel names. Something is surely coming soon!
The 8 HD channels that are uplinked, do you think they
will go live by the end of this month?
Yes, the hd channels that we heard were coming in July, then October or now on track for what X-mas? This is starting to remind me of health care legislation progression. First it had to be finished by August , then by the end of the year and now maybe January?
If getting new HD channels is like the Health Care Bill, does that mean all the "old" HD channels will be turned off? (I've heard people talking...on Fox News)
Touche.But I was not trying to start a political discussion. I was only trying to compare the speed of the reform and the missed dead line dates, to the rumors we keep hearing about when we will get the new hd channels turned on. First it was supposed to be in July, and then it was in October, and now who knows.
Has those 8 HD channels really been uplinked since July?
You know if you heard it on fox skewed it's got to be true.If getting new HD channels is like the Health Care Bill, does that mean all the "old" HD channels will be turned off? (I've heard people talking...on Fox News)