So supposedly the Block Bust deal was the start....BD+ ready

Has PGP been cracked- by anyone other than a government?

I think part of the hope with BD+ is that it would be too costly to crack. But then, organized crime has lot's of money. "Your drug dollars at work."
I think part of the hope with BD+ is that it would be too costly to crack. But then, organized crime has lot's of money. "Your drug dollars at work."

BD+ lets each movie have different encryption. So, it might be not really be hard to break a movie, it only gets you that movie. The AACS method one key broken gave you all the movies published to that date until they change keys.
There is only one code that has never been broken.
...It is very easy to break a code once you get a footprint.
There are not too many systems that were broken to the bones like DVD's CSS system, for example.
With most cases we know - first generation WMV-HD (VC-1 predecessor), DVD-A, AACS, NagraVision 1 and 2, etc. - the implementation was crappy.
AES-128 is not broken, its AACS implementation is.
ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) is not broken.
Whatever was allowed to operate in the PC space, was cracked.
SACD was never allowed, was never broken (not that many people cared).
Military codes are usually changed daily...
They are actually chaged a few times per minute... in most cases.
BD+ is supposed to be tough not only because it is not public but also because it is layered and it can be changed by the product manufacturer.
No, it can not.
Just like AACS LA (Licensing Authority) has to approve key revocation, so is BD+ (they use keys as well).
What BD+ does allow is running a program on the host (i.e. player) and brick it into a doorstop.
I'd like to see how this plays out...

BD+ lets each movie have different encryption. So, it might be not really be hard to break a movie, it only gets you that movie. The AACS method one key broken gave you all the movies published to that date until they change keys.

What will be interesting is if only each studio sets up their own encryption or if they will do it movie by movie. The movie by movie scenario would be very tedious and burn up alot of time until someone can get around the specific keys that are used to generate the differant encryptions. I wonder how much this will cost the studios?
Has PGP been cracked- by anyone other than a government?
Only some commercial implementations of public key cryptography (a-la PGP) with backdoors allow government snooping. The GPL version allows using long keys and is practically unbreakable in any reasonable amount of time.

Only some commercial implementations of public key cryptography (a-la PGP) with backdoors allow government snooping. The GPL version allows using long keys and is practically unbreakable in any reasonable amount of time.

Think again. Its not that good an encryption standard. You need to go to much tougher encrytion standards to slow anyone down who really wants to break your encryption. These days you also need one that frequently generates new keys.

2.0 FW for A2/A20/XA2

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