So long to Voom....for now!!

At least the guide on dish is readable without getting up and walking over to the tv like I have to do to read the voom guide.

I agree....doesnt make sense. I am in sales (not A/V business) and I see people make decisions for reasons that would curl your toes. This business is no different. I dont miss HDNET one bit. I dont know what all the hoopla is about HDNET. It has SOME decent content but it certainly is not something to hang on to in exchange for 30+ HD channels! There is an ol' saying in sales: Buyers are Liars!
n0qcu said:
At least the guide on dish is readable without getting up and walking over to the tv like I have to do to read the voom guide.
Temporately we've been using a 22" regular TV at my son's room and I don't have any problem reading the guide at 10-12'.
Ilya said:
:confused: 21 plus, including premiums??? I count 36 HD channels + local HD channels. This is more like 40 plus ... And you want to trade this for a couple of SD channels with commercials? Wow!

I for one have also cancelled VOOM. This is just striclty my preference and opinion. The main reason is because IMO, the HDTV channels suck. They are boring, repetitive, and I did not find one single channel to my liking. I'm getting Time Warner HD because they are offering $20 bucks off for 12 months for existing satellite customers who are switching. And on top of that, I'm getting broadband for $29.99 for six months.

I'm sorry, I just didn't enjoy any of the VOOM HDTV exclusive channels.
Ilya said:
:confused: 21 plus, including premiums??? I count 36 HD channels + local HD channels. This is more like 40 plus ... And you want to trade this for a couple of SD channels with commercials? Wow!

O wow!! I sure like HD over SD no doub't but channels like Moove, and Anima, and Artgallery and a few others I list doesnt make Voom the best in HD, just currently the most, and I never said I didn't like Voom..other than a few minor issues.

Like I said there are pro's and cons too all of them.

Happy Vooming!! :rolleyes:
Follow up!

Just to let you know I have been watching alot of HDNet this past week, and the programing is outstanding, as is the PQ.

Watching series shows like "The Agency, The Fugitive, and also older TV series like Charlies Angel, and of course the sports showing the soccor matches blows me away..why is the HDNet sports matches even better looking than Vooms HD sport channel??"

Anyway in my opinion in comparing so far; having the HDNet channel and its variety of programming is as good as having Vooms HDCinema 1-10 and its HDSport channel all rolled into one called HDNet.

New Voom user

Picture quality again, and again, and again...
