so its been what.. about a week now...

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mini1 said:
Just to point this out, I can't see why Time Warner Cable would be in talks with TNT-HD? They put the channel up on almost all of their systems over 2 months ago now.

Who said anything about time warner cable? He said that time warner, parent company of TNT, was in talks with D*. :rolleyes:
Keep the HD coming

Scott Greczkowski said:
As I posted here in this thread the other day DirecTV and Time Warner were in talks for TNT-HD. I understand that the contract has been finalized and has been signed or will be signed tommorow.

We should see TNT-HD on DirecTV within a week. :)

Yea ha! :smug
Well I talked to my contact and have been told the TNT HD contract was signed at the end of the day and will be in the HD Package either early next week or this weekend.

Also for those of you that keep bitching about bad picture quality you just fu*ked yourself out of getting more HDTV channels before football season ends so all of us should thank them for their good work helping all of us. I was just told that contracts for other HD channels are done or will be done way before football season is over but they will not take the chance of losing customers over temporary bad picture quality to add these new channels. I was told that the new satellite would give them more than enough bandwidth to offer more national HD channels along with the top 30 local markets HD channels while still keep all current HD channels with great picture quality even during next years football season even if they show all NFL games in HDTV next year which they are planning to work out with CBS.

If those of you didn't bitch every minute of the day we would have to suffer with not quite as good of picture quality just for the next few months while still enjoying many more HDTV channels and after football season is over things will be back to normal and they can add new HDTV channels and their new satellite will be ready before next football season starts and just in the rare case the first satellite doesn't work out as planned they have a backup plan but right now its way more expensive to put into place unless they have to do so. But right now they have all the new channels testing and taking up bandwidth right now and they are putting in new hardware to deal with this better for now and the future and just so you know all the testing is being done internally so not one box outside of headquarters can see these channels but they are there and they look much worse on Sunday afternoons but they still aren't using the bandwidth for the NFL games even on other days. Right now only one xponder has three HD channels on it and trust me it will get better but sometimes those of you have to learn to just shut up and give things a rest and if bad picture quality problems occur over a period of time longer than 6 months I say complain and put your money where your mouth is but for something that is so minor you don't see the big picture and you only hurt all of us because you don't take your damn OCD meds.
wow.. yet another informative post longhorn! good news on tnt, bad news on the wait until football season is over. :( do you think that Fox-HD is in the group of channels that will be put off until the end of football season? Or do you still think its likely we will see those fairly soon?

as always....... THANKS!!!
Longhorn, I wouldn't post your response over on AVS unless you want to be flamed for the rest of your life. I agree, PQ did go down a bit but not enough that I got p*ss off and was ready to dump D*, short term pain, long term gain. Looking forward to TNT-HD soon, but can you talk to your source and maybe see if they can squeeze Starz-HD on soon also???
Thanks Scott & Longhorn.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that the purist whiners who rant on the transponder issue are screwing it up for the vast majority of viewers who aren't peeing in their pants like they are on this issue.

Thanks for the updates. I can wait until January for more HD (after TNT and FOX of course)....

....which raises the question.....if TNT is lit up in the next week some time, that leaves the national FOX HD feeds next....any rumor on when???
Barneypoo69 said:
Thanks Longhorn! I've been trying to calm folks down at another forum along with another member about the PQ. I'm on the boat for the long ride.[/QUOTE

Amen! Maybe it's these old eyes, but I have yet to see PQ that has spoiled by enjoyment of HD. I thought the original explanation of why D* was offering the 6 months free HD package was clear and concise. They were giving us something for free until they could get things "back to normal". They have every right to listen to the complainers and hold off adding any more HD content until the end of the football season. But that doesn't help those of us who are satisfied with the present situation, and who I feel are in the majority.
Well TNT HD and Fox HD are coming way before football season is over. Now I don't know what other deals are done and what deals are almost done but as sad as I hate to say this it will all depend on how many complaints they get for them to decide if and what new HD channels they will add. Right now I agree picture quality should be better but I also think companies should be given a good chance to prove that they do care and with something so new and limited space they can't please everybody. People want more HDTV channels while people also don't want reduced picture quality so they have to balance this very carefully. I also think companies should not reduce the quality of HDTV channels and I consider a company doing this only and only if they have done this for more than 6 months. I also do think that the 6 month free offer should at least hint that things aren't going to be pretty for the next 6 months but they think or should I say thought that with 6 free months people would deal with the bad picture quality but after 6 months they would be much happier with increased picture quality and more bang for their buck as in more HD Package channels but maybe they were wrong in thinking this judging by peoples reactions to this.

Also I could care less about anyone who wants to flame me because those people have to open their mind just a little bit more and understand that business and business and no company has to offer you anything to begin with and with that said no company is ever going to do everything exactly the way any one person truely wants it. This is business not charity my friends.

Now my contact has told me they are still open to adding more HDTV channels before football season is over but as they add once they get flooded with calls about picture quality that will be the last channel they will add until at least after football season. Also I've been told that they have gotten quite a few calls and are very upset about having to give credits to customers for picture quality problems on stuff they are giving away for free. I was told that out of all the customers they gave credits too at least 50% of them got both Showtime and the HD Package for free but they gave it to shut them up sadly to say or at least their long time customers got credits.

To be honest I'm getting sick of getting hurt by these selfish morons who think the whole world revolves around them and only them. I want more HDTV channels and I don't mind have my picture quality reduced a little for a short term period because last time I checked even the shows that have reduced resolution still look much better than the SD channels. For example the last movie I watched on Showtime I did notice it wasn't as good as what it was several months ago but when I compared it with their SD version I quickly went back to the HD channel after wiping the tears from my face.

The fact is I would rather watch a washed out Starz HD movie than the Starz SD movie.
from the tone of your post, it doesn't sound like INHD will be coming soon. Although noone wants to share their channel, would someone like INHD be willing to broadcast six days a week until January? As INHD is owned by cable companies, I suspect they may be willing to forego a few months of lost revenue for the pleasure of keeping the integrity of their product and rubbing the sat providers' noses in it. Other HD providers might be a bit more flexible.

I am in a small market that did not get its SD locals until this past June. I have no O&O's in my market, so it will be years before I see HD locals on the sat. As many of the O&O's are in large cities, these appear to be a priority to D*'s HD customer acquisition plans. I also suspect that they need to firm up their HD lineup by the end of October, as I suspect a strong Holiday Marketing blitz from D* to coincide with a strong HD push from electronics retailers and manufacturers. Of course, part of what I was hoping to watch was baseball, which will be done by the time D* could get it up.
LonghornXP said:
Also for those of you that keep bitching about bad picture quality you just fu*ked yourself out of getting more HDTV channels before football season ends ...
Well, I'm going to take the contrary POV on this... if they really were going to add even more channels before the end of the season, THANK GOD everyone bitched. They squeezed 3 channels on one transponder, which DID sacrifice PQ. They would have had to have done a lot more squeezing to add many more channels - I'd rather they wait until they can show the channels properly than try and get them a few months earlier.

DirecTV is the one who fu*ked up here... I think people would have been much more forgiving if they had only sacrificed PQ on Sundays. There's a compromise that has to be reached, I think we all understand that. But there are six days a week that they have lots of leftover bandwidth to add channels. If they had done it the right way, it wouldn't have been a big deal. Hell, I bet most people wouldn't even be upset if these additional channels were added, with a clause that they wouldn't be available on certain times on Sundays until the end of Sunday Ticket.

Don't blame the customers for demanding a quality product, blame DirecTV for screwing up the handling of the issue. They could have done much better.
I would think they'd want to add Fox HD before the MLB playoffs or world series (assuming they'll be in HD).

Of course I get all my local HDs OTA, so I'd much rather see more national channels...
LonghornXP said:
Now my contact has told me they are still open to adding more HDTV channels before football season is over but as they add once they get flooded with calls about picture quality that will be the last channel they will add until at least after football season.
Now that's starting to get a bit ridiculous. "We aren't going to give our customers the product they want unless they're really nice to us. If they complain, we'll make them wait even longer". We aren't children, we are customers who pay $50-$100 or more a month for their service. It's up to them to figure out how to provide the most desirable product to offer the market. It's up to us to decide whether or not to buy it. They should be THANKFUL for getting feedback. Most companies spend a lot of money to find out what works and doesn't work for the market.
Darin, I am guessing you have not seen that DiscoveryHD and BravoHD are the only eye-popping channels we have. HDNet is bad, HDNet Movies is bad and so are HBO HD and SHO HD ... not to say that I care, I rarely watch these stations.

I can say the HD on the NFL ST has been eye-popping so they are doing something right. When flipping between my OTA games in HD and the NFL ST games, I could not see a difference.

LonghornXP, Thanks for the update! Perhaps you could suggest to your contact that folks don't mind giving up PQ on the DNS, Shopping channels, Farm Channels, Financial channels and Christian Channels. I think we can all agree we want our premium movies and sports to be the best looking of what we get. You're right about bitching about the HD PQ though ... it is free and we all know you don't get something for nothing. :yes

Everyone, Football season will be over (for D*) in 3 more months ... perhaps we can all just look forward to our happy new year! Then at the end of spring, it will shoot off the map and Voom will undergo either death or acquisition.
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