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W8TH. Ham since 1974!! (Man am I old). Never had a contact via satellite. I'm am HF guy...
N7DKK here. Ham since 1957! (I started young!). Extra class (when they had the 20WPM code test!)

No Satellite stuff.....Just chase DX every sunspot cycle and sell everything in the loooong lull.

Going to start rebuilding next year and get all the bugs worked out.

My best wishes to you, my friend...It is a hobby that will stay with you a lifetime! :)
K1DYA (ex, W0IXH, G5EPG, K7BOB, K1DYA/VE2). Inactive for the last 15 years. Used to chase DX especially before I retired from the USAF. Computers got the best of me after that, plus many of my contacts became silent keys
Need to update here - Since my last post - have new call sign. Wanted to keep the call areas straight. Now, KD8CON. Not sure I like it better than KC9AOY, so now I have to upgrade to Extra to get a better call I guess. Don't want to clutter the FCC with needless paperwork.

73 to all
Another ham chiming in - de N6UNH

I haven't been active since I started using the internet regularly about 5 years ago. Prior to that I was on 2m voice and packet, and some HF on 20 and 40 meters. I always enjoyed international SWL more than ragchewing though - maybe I'm just antisocial LOL! Back in the late 80's I was active in a club in Thousand Oaks and a member of a couple of repeaters. I also did the Field Day thing a couple of times and had alot of fun with that. My ham background plus some time dispatching for the CHP got me involved in community service work in the early 90's. It all came to a stop when the kids came along - the XYL got impatient with me being away from home that much.

Oh, and I never did work a satellite. As an advanced am I even allowed to? I thought you had to be an extra to work satellites?
dlsnyder said:
I always enjoyed international SWL more than ragchewing though - maybe I'm just antisocial LOL! ... I also did the Field Day thing a couple of times and had alot of fun with that.

Oh, and I never did work a satellite. As an advanced am I even allowed to? I thought you had to be an extra to work satellites?

You'd probably enjoy contesting on HF, or just working DX. A lot of the DX stations don't like to ragchew much and just try to make as many contacts as possible. In many cases, a lot of them only know enough English to say their name, their location, what they're using to operate and 73! In contesting, like Field Day, speed is the name of the game. Some get really serious about Field Day and some clubs just do it for fun. Other contests like WPX (the SSB was this last weekend) , CQWW, ARRL DX Sweepstakes, etc are often more competitive. Those are the big ones. There's smaller ones like regional contests and the RTTY sprint etc. that are fun as well. Everyone can find their niche in ham radio, and it's not always sitting there shooting the breeze, either. Many just do CW or the digital modes, SSTV, satellite, just contesting or whatever.

You only have to be a Technician or higher class to work the satellites. Most satellites are 2m and 70cm, so techs can operate there no problem. In fact, its one of the best ways for no coders to work some DX! In some rare instances (PCSAT2 or AO51 in PSK31 SSB up mode) there is a 10m uplink, and the satellite portion of the 10m band is for Generals and up.
VO1ONE said:
You'd probably enjoy contesting on HF, or just working DX. A lot of the DX stations don't like to ragchew much and just try to make as many contacts as possible. In many cases, a lot of them only know enough English to say their name, their location, what they're using to operate and 73! In contesting, like Field Day, speed is the name of the game. Some get really serious about Field Day and some clubs just do it for fun. Other contests like WPX (the SSB was this last weekend) , CQWW, ARRL DX Sweepstakes, etc are often more competitive. Those are the big ones. There's smaller ones like regional contests and the RTTY sprint etc. that are fun as well. Everyone can find their niche in ham radio, and it's not always sitting there shooting the breeze, either. Many just do CW or the digital modes, SSTV, satellite, just contesting or whatever.

You only have to be a Technician or higher class to work the satellites. Most satellites are 2m and 70cm, so techs can operate there no problem. In fact, its one of the best ways for no coders to work some DX! In some rare instances (PCSAT2 or AO51 in PSK31 SSB up mode) there is a 10m uplink, and the satellite portion of the 10m band is for Generals and up.

OK, thanks. I must have gotten that from that article in QST back in 1990 when Ron Parise went up in the space shuttle. They made a big deal about having to have an extra-class license to operate from space and I think at the time he was an advanced.

One thing that I think is a really neat advancement since the days when I was active is the advent of wormholes (linking of repeaters over the internet). You can be talking to someone on the other side of the world as if they were there in town with you. Sure we have been able to do that for years with HF and with telephones, but somehow it just seems so much cooler to be able to do it with a small HT. :cool:
My call is N5XZS and been hamming on and off since 10+ years that I got my ticket!

Haven't try to DX Ham satellites yet but someday when I have the chances to do it.

The rigs that I have are Kenwood TS-60S 90 watt all mode 6 meter rig and 2 HT rigs Anlico 2 meter, and Icom IC-T81A 4 band 6, 2 Meter and 70 CM, 23 CM.

Still wating for the Morse Code Test req, to go away so I can upgrade to General and get on HF.

My favoroite modes is SSTV, PSK-31, MFSK-16 and SSB, AM and FM.

QTH is Albuquerque, NM, USA Gride square is 65DM.

Happy DXing!!
ks4op here, I worked some 10/15M satellite but not for about 10 years, I cant even remember what satellite it was. I do know that it was in a polar or elliptical orbit as it would pass over for about 20 min several times a day. I used to leave the hf on the beacon frequency and when you heard the tone it was time to start calling cq. I believe there is an FM satellite that you can hit with an HT but I believe you have to put a directional antenna on it to hit the bird. I have hot done any vhf/uhf satellite work just because the equipmnet is cost prohibitive...although I would love to do that, I would also like to try some EME.
Hello Bass Cadet,

But unfortunaly, I am hard of hearing on the left ear, and total deafness on the right ear so no go for the CW, and I am not really into CW stuff. I am more interested in more high digital tech for the HF.:)

Everyone has their own taste in many ways!:D

There nothing to be afraid of your call letter!

73's N5XZS:hatsoff:
Oh, sorry about that. You might be able to get an exemption. That website is still very useful to prepare for the written.

As for the call sign, there's too much info on the internet and I wouldn't put my address here, so...

Been a ham for 38 years. Worked 48 states on the Russian satellites ~15 years ago. (Only missing SD and MS because of lack of activity).

Just got into FTA a few months ago, but having fun with it. :)
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