Did anyone catch the season finale of SNL last night? There's a bit of a buzz this morning on social media that Louis CK went too far with his monologue. I have to admit, he did use a shock and awe analogy when he just continued with his child molester bit. His comparisons with his favourite candy and what it's like for a pedophile was just too much for me at that point. It was a car reck you wanted to turn away from, but you watch on with disbelief. You could tell with the audience's reaction, they were taken back by he's boldness. If he wanted to go with a dirty sexual theme as his so called "final preformance", he could have talked instead about a neighbour prostitute getting nailed for mounds bars by the neighbour drunks or a home made porn. Idk, I was kind of expecting the plug to be pulled last night. It would be interesting if that monologue or episode will be repeated in the future. Although, the bit with the elves sort of continued on with the same theme.