Smoking Meat?

3 lb Arm roast, rubbed with salt, pepper, green chile power and mesquite seasoning with a little pickle juice sprinkled on Thursday.
Didn't get chance to cook yesterday, ran internal temps between 195 & 207 till about 12:30. When It ran out of coals, put in air fryer at 190F for 45 minutes, then let rest 15 spritzing and turning midway with fermented apple juice.
Pulled with forks, pretty tender with good bark, didn't need any BBQ sauce, dogs gave 2 paws up...
Btw, I did buy a Butt roast, cubed and seasoned with sausage seasonings, will grind in a little while. We went back a little while ago and got 1 more boston butt and 4 arm roasts.
I think I'll do ribs next. Or maybe whole chicken.

I won't "snake" the coals again. Better to bank 'em and let the automatic system handle the coals.
Lost coals at12, internals bumping 200 for 3 hours, let rest 1 hour then shredded.
Add BBQ sauce stirred & put in air fryer at 425 for 10 minutes stirring 3 times…
Taco preparation now.
Loaded up the Oklahoma Joe with coals & mesquite, have starter loaded and 2 Boston pork butts covered with rub for a planned cook in morning (or later today).
Plan to make Tamales so need to go to town for husks, maseca, NM chile and manteca... (don't want to sacrifice my bacon grease for that cause)
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Later today I have some leg quarters going on. Home made dry rub, lump charcoal and pecan chunks. I also have a few spuds cleaned and wrapped in foil to go on. This will be a fast smoke, about 1 1/2 hours. The wife is making green beans with butter and garlic sauce. The grill master will be consuming a few glasses of India Pale Ale during the smoke. :drunk