smart card unauthrized mesage when i am authrized.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 15, 2004
Louisville, KY Aera
This week my dish network 301 receivers has been acting funny. On my locals and other channels in my top 180 package, I have been getting a message that my smart card was not authorized to view this channel, press select now to purchase. Then in a few minutes it will go off, and come back on. Is this because of dish moving channels around to amc 15 or is it because I haven’t received the new smart cards that dish is suppose to be sending out to everyone.
Thanks guys, love the site, visit frequently.
I have seen this pop up twice once on each of my 510's. Stayed there for about a second. I rebooted and have not seen it since. If gets to be an annoyance call DishNetwork.
If it comes back, and you have a blue card, you need a new card. Call Dish if it comes back. they'll fix it in 2 minutes
so far it hasnt poped back up. I do wish that dish would hurry up and get there new cards out so we dont have to suffer from this. but hey its only dish network were talkign about. LOL
Yeah I don't think we ever got yellow cards but they talked like most everyone should have on the last Charlie Chat I watched I replace both of my recievers recently though and the new ones have yellow cards but I do have one of my old ones still activated.
I had my 921 show red for USA HIST SCIFI and some more. I turned it off and pulled and replaced the smart card carefully and it rebooted. Now it works. It had done the overnight reboot.

811 to 921/942 upgrade

one MORE 942 question...