Slow page loading cured by Firefox

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Tony S

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 7, 2003
Hills of Eastern CT
For the last few months, this site was acting very slow for me. Frequently the browser would just sit there and take forever to load pages, and I had to select the refresh button or I would be sitting there forever. It was getting to the point where the site was becoming annoying for me.

I am using Windows XP, and I had been using IE8. Today I downloaded Firefox 5.0 and I cannot believe the difference that it makes on this site! Now pages load very rapidly and it never hangs or gives me any problem. I wish that I had switched to Firefox a long time ago! Holy cow, IE8 really sucks by comparison!

I thought that I would mention this in case anyone else is experiencing slow page loading or browser hangs. Firefox is the answer.
Had you tried deleting the temp files, history and all that junk that windows users have to do? (Im using linux, so its a bit easier)
I agree Firefox is pretty fast. You might try creating a new user account in windows, and just for fun, see if IE runs any faster on that account. Something could've been bogging down your user acc't.
Tony, I have an old laptop with a Celeron processor that has W-XPSP3. FF runs great on it, much faster than IE8 ever did. IE9 runs as fast as FF or Chrome in my opinion but you can't run IE9 on Xp.
For me, over the last few days the site has become almost unuseable with XP/IE8 (two different machines). All other sites are fine, it's just this one. Pages very slow, or the site seems to have locked up. It's fine with Firefox.
texasbrit, that is the same thing that I was experiencing. This site was just about unusable with XP/IE8, affecting both my desktop and my laptop computers. All other sites were fine. It is just this site that I was having a problem with. I even tried clearing all my temp files and cookies and it did not make any difference. Pages were very slow loading with frequent hangs that lasted a very long time. Anyway, it is fine now with Firefox.
Tried a different computer, XP/IE8. same problem. Site is just about unusable. No problem with any other web sites.
Still the same problem here. XP. With IE8 site is just about unusable. Chrome and Firefox it's OK. Very similar to a problem we had a couple of years ago, which seemed to be related to some of the ads on the page. Not sure how that was resolved.
Maybe it depends on the computer, even if it's using the same OS version. For giggles, I opened it up on 3 machines at work that were identical (XP with Exploder 8) and 2 were slow loading and the 3rd loaded normally. Wonder if one of the ad networks changed something....
I'm currently using a machine with XP, and with Firefox and IE8. Everything's fine with Firefox, unusable with IE8. I would also suspect an ad problem.
Wow, if installing Firefox is all that's necessary, GREAT!!

It's taken me half a dozen tries today to even get into this "operations" section. For weeks SatGuys has been almost unusable. Sometimes not "almost", "absolutely" unusable. Of course, I've got XP with IE8.

I was glad to find this thread but now I need to d/l, install, and learn Firefox.

OK, got Firefox, SatGuys is no longer a problem. And some other forums I visit are faster loading too. Thanks for this thread!!

That ad-network that's causing the issues needs to be looked at. Maybe their server or something is slowing the board down for peeps using Sploder 8.

I'm currently using a machine with XP, and with Firefox and IE8. Everything's fine with Firefox, unusable with IE8. I would also suspect an ad problem.
I posted a thread about the slow page loading problem back in April. No one else responded to complain so I thought that I was the only one having that problem. I don't think that any of the administrators here believed that this site was just about unusable for a lot of us using XP and IE8, but it was becoming a big problem for me. When I saw how much better Firefox was with this site I thought that I should let everyone know in case it could help someone else. Here is a link to the old thread.

You have made coming to SatGuys a pleasure again.

I had sent a PM to Scott a month or so ago about the problem but got no response. I had tried with no success to access this "operations" forum or I'd have seen your posts sooner.

XP and 1.5ghz Celeron (P4)

I've been using FireFox all along, and only noticed a grave slow down and massive CPU usage in the last 24 hours.
This laptop is old 'n anemic, and short on memory.
But, if I don't find a solution soon, I'm gonna hang it up.

I commented in this section a few months ago about the "refresh" the forum was doing, and posted CPU usage pictures.
Nobody took much notice.
Not going to go to the trouble again.
My old laptop is a HP DV1410US (DV1000) with a 1.6 GHz Intel Celeron M 380 processor running Windows Xp Sp3 with FF5. Not long after I got it I maxed out the memory and disabled everything that wasn't absolutely necessary in the startup files by using msconfig, I removed all the bloatware HP put on it and upgraded the HD to a 7200 rpm drive. All this helped but it was and still is no speed demon. Once every year or so I would even reinstall the OS which also helped some. I too have monitored CPU usage while surfing the net and it will at times spike at 100% with my old laptop. There is no getting around those Celeron processors. No matter what I have done for the laptop it is and always will be slow because of the bottle neck that processor causes. Some have said that extremely slow page loading only happens here at Satelliteguys and are quick to blame the adds. I can't say that slow page loading is isolated to SatelliteGuys. There are places I wouldn't even think of taking that laptop. As far as the adds, well, for one the adds pay the bills around here. During the times I have seen extream slowdowns the problems usually have been on my end. When it wasn't on my end Scott and his Staff have always been quick to check for problems and fix any when found.
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