Slow Guide on 722K

Option # 1: Reboot everytime it happens
Option # 2: Wait for another s/w update (and hope they don't break it again in a subsequent update)

Option 2.5 (2 addendum :)) ... leaving it alone ... sometime in the next day or three it will rectify itself. it will return ... but its better than rebooting the receiver... and waiting for it to come up before a timer is to fire and then you miss recording part of something...

What is the latest version? I'm on L690RMRB-N
722k -> L7.50 (L6.90 is still marked as "Current" and L6.88 is marked "Previous")
722 -> L7.22 (with L7.21 marked as previous)

when a firmware is marked as current and not the highest/newest ... I'm guessing that it means its still in partial roll out and not a required firmware for all yet..
L690 and L750 are the most current software for the 722K, L750 does not fix the slow guide issue.
I believe L750 in fact re-introduced the bug. It seems like it's gone in L690 (knock on wood - I haven't seen it in a while and I'm on L690).
Just goes to show how difficult this must be to reproduce.
was having the issues with L683, nearly everyone was saying they didn't see it in L685 .. I was ... and still continue with every version since ... only had L688 for a short period of time, before it was replaced by L690 .. but still with both ... and now with L750 ...

Though for me .. I think L750 has been *the* worst I've had it ... add to the slugishness that now it seems like it doesn't respond at all some times for 2 or more seconds..

before, I would see my "impatience" appear when I'd hit a button several times ... and it would present that to the receiver..

now ... I can press a button some times twice, sometimes three times.. and nothing.. then wait a moment, press the key once again, and suddenly the receiver responds. Almost like low batteries, or obstruction in view.. but its not been either..
thankfully both of my 722k's are running real smooth with the L750 firmware......crazy how different firmware has different effects on different 722k's:-)
Having similar issues with my 722 (not "k"), i.e, slow overall response to remotes, slow guide, intermittent pixelation and sound issues in recordings (but almost never live), issues with pausing and resuming live TV, etc. Pretty much all the issues I've seen described here for the 722k. I'm experiencing them all and have been for awhile. Currently firmware L722 as well (previous L721). Temp average 120, Lo 78, Hi 138. Removed cover from unit to assist cooling but doesn't seem to help. I have a USB fan coming to try as well. I also experience something else: When I try to archive recordings to my external USB target, some will go, some give me an error. I'm of the opinion I have a HDD on it's last legs. I've ordered a couple firmware recognized replacements to try before I get another rcvr. I own, don't lease. I'm just not convinced all my problems are software related. Anyone have any other thoughts?
Arrrrrgh. Everything was fine till L750 came along. Now sometimes I can press a button 10 times on my remote with nothing happening, then on the 11 th press all is well. Why oh why can't Dish ever get the software right?
My dad and brother are reporting the same problem now as well.
Very frustrating.

Well, I've replaced my HDD and all is well again with my 722 (not"k"). For those interested, the Samsung HD503HI is, in fact, a compatible drive. I can archive and restore in just a few minutes again, pause and resume Live TV, the guide moves along at nice pace now, though I think I still perceive some "creep", and all the sound breaks and pixelation I was experiencing does not exist in new recordings I've made.

Yay! I do like my 722.
Arrrrrgh. Everything was fine till L750 came along. Now sometimes I can press a button 10 times on my remote with nothing happening, then on the 11 th press all is well. Why oh why can't Dish ever get the software right?
My dad and brother are reporting the same problem now as well.
Very frustrating.

That's weird because 2 of my 722Ks haven't had any major slowdown since L685 (both on L750) and another 722K had slowness on L669 but it was fixed in L750. It sure has been a while since Dish has updated the software on the 722K... Are they too busy with the Hopper to bother? There are still major flubs in L750 such as "My Rentals" disappearing overnight...
The latest update for the 722 included a fix for recordings disappearing. Safe to assume that fix will make it into the next s/w update for the 722k.

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