SlingPlayer 2.0 (compatable) -link

SolApathy; said:
Here is a link for cnet to download the Slingplayer 2.0 software which allows you to still remotely connect without going through the dish site.

Does anyone have a URL that would do the job for Mac OS X 10.6.3?

I tried this and it does not work.

I tried it tonight also and could not get it to work. I didn't find a SlingPlayer.ini in Windows 7 however. Found an INI file that started with WBX. Didn't find the other file either. Looked in Found the Sling INI files in the %APPDATA%\LocalLow\ folder.

If anyone knows how where to find the two files mentioned in the article in Windows 7, please let us know.


I have created a thread at the new Sling Forums website.

Slingbox Answers Forum: Watching DISH 922 on Slingplayer

Please add your voice!

I am surprised that they didn't delete it yet or lock the thread. Will post my comments there also.

But it seems they are going the web browser way for everything and it is just a matter of time before everyone is forced to use it or at least they will try to force people to do so.

It all has to do with what they thing will make them more money not what the end user wants.

Already they have built a database of who watches what, for how long, when you first started Slinging and what your speeds, boxes and tendencies are.

Kinda like how TiVo does with what their users watch.

Most Slingbox or 922 users never know how much info they are giving Sling Media just by watching their TV. :(
This version works and has the 922 remote:

No HD though. 1.0.9 and newer will refuse to talk to the 922.
Thank you for the lead breser!

Update: This link would did not load. I took the end off it and went to the page directly and couldn't find the Downloads at all. It's like they are turned off.

I searched on Google for this version which lead to me to VersionTracker and MacUpdate. Both link only to the 2.0.10 version, even though the search took me the 2.0.8 information. They both take you to the Sling website.

I tried several other websites and finally found a link that would take me to a download of Version 2.0.8. It was:

Download SlingPlayer FOR FREE.

Beware: You have to pay for this download with your mobile phone. There is a $5.00 charge. But at least the link works to the right version of Slingplayer. This is the only link I could find that worked.

Version 2.0.8 looks good on my 27-inch iMac which has the 2560 x 1440 screen. It even looked good when blown up to full screen. However, this Mac version of Slingplayer is SD only. I like the control it gives me compared to the control you don't have on the Dish website version. But I really like the High Def on the Dish Website. I just can't stand the slow connect speed to the website and the way you have to refresh to get the slingplayer app to load, etc.

In any case, thanks again! I hope the link above will help someone else out looking for this version.

Thank you for the lead breser!
Update: This link would did not load. I took the end off it and went to the page directly and couldn't find the Downloads at all. It's like they are turned off.

Really? Works fine here. The downloads are there on the Sling site, they just don't link to them anywhere. They only link to the current version.

Beware: You have to pay for this download with your mobile phone. There is a $5.00 charge. But at least the link works to the right version of Slingplayer. This is the only link I could find that worked.

You got ripped off my friend. I downloaded it absolutely free. I found the link at:
Versions of SlingPlayer on Wakoopa

And all it did was redirect me to the sling site, so I just passed along the sling URL.
Yeah, well it's bad press. The aggravating thing is that Dish isn't saying a word about it. People think oh Sling enabled, that means I can use my sling software & hardware...Right up to the point they get it installed & find out they have been short-changed by Dish & Sling.
I sent this in twitter:

@dishnetwork Why was 922 support removed in the latest sling player for windows software? :(

Feel free to do the same.
I sent this in twitter:

@dishnetwork Why was 922 support removed in the latest sling player for windows software? :(

Feel free to do the same.

They sent this: @scottbakertemp For a question like that you would need to contact sling media, as they are a separate company *J

so I sent out the same thing to @MisterSling

We'll see.
Well I have managed to get responses from Dish and Sling... Dish says I need to talk to Sling about support...Sling says I need to talk with Dish.

There is nothing like progress.
Why don't you try writing to Echostar instead? I do believe that Echostar owns Sling media now. After all DISH and Echostar are supposedly two different separate companies now.