SlingLoaded HD DVR VIP 922 Availability

Skyking69 seems determined to believe things that are patently false regarding any connection between the Tivo suit and the ViP series. He appears to have some venom toward Dish. He is unaware or chooses to ignore the reports on the 922 beta forum which clearly show the unit is not ready for release, despite any months old press releases.

Is he really interested in getting a ViP922? Or just bashing Dish and stirring up trouble?
I am looking forward to this box, but I must say the 722K's are great. I have two and both have OTA modules. They are my favorite dish receivers in the past twelve years I have had DISH.

I have two 722k's with OTA connections scheduled for install. I don't have any venom toward Dish or anybody else, I do not like hyped vaporware and the 922 has been "reviewed" and on display all over the web and at electronics shows for entirely too long to not be out in the marketplace. I have been holding out for it but finally gave up and will just do it later when they actually do get it debugged and out for sale.

As for those that are the pseudo-lawyers posting here - Thanks for the input. In fact I have read all of that stuff and if you want to look at the underlying reason Dish lost the suit to begin with, and the contempt finding, you will find Dish claimed all along none of their actions violated Tivo's patent(s). They claimed then, and now, that their technology worked around Tivo's patent(s). They made and make these claims and I guarantee you they would make the same claims about the 922. Those are totally specious remarks and not at all germane to whether the delay is due to litigation or technical reasons. However, with the litigation on appeal, hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, having lost at every level of their litigation; to not see the possible connection between the delayed release of the 922 and the litigation means someone can believe whatever they want to believe. I just don't see the reason for the personal attacks on me, but since you have why don't I pitch this - Is anyone adamantly advancing there is absolutely no possible linkage between the litigation and the delayed 922 release perhaps operating as an agent for or stockholder of one of the parties to the litigation? I can state unequivocally I am not involved in any shape, form or fashion. But, the personal attacks on me seem more than a little over the top for someone simply believing and stating the delay is over debugging and beta testing the product...they are too defensive.

I started this post off looking for an idea of when the 922 would be out. The thread has devolved into a number of responders personally insulting me and making uncalled for posts. To those that came to the thread looking for 922 release date fact or intel, my apology for you having to suffer the indignity of reading all this other "stuff." To those that have a 922 and are beta testing them, thanks for that. There is a "DISH 'n It UP" special on the 722 through the end of January. That a deal on them would run that far out is a hint at perhaps when the 922 will be released. If someone could say unequivocally that the 922 would be out in two months, six months, a year; that would give me the opportunity to make a well informed decision. And I am looking at two of them so the decision has some financial implications for me. Instead, after waiting this long and with no end to the wait in sight I just can't wait any longer and will have to go the 722k route.

I have a 922 and have had one for the last 6 months. They are very real.

The beta process is just ending on them. I am told there will be an announcement on the Charlie Chat tonight.

The Tivo suit has NOTHING to do with the 922.
I have a 922 and have had one for the last 6 months. They are very real.

The beta process is just ending on them. I am told there will be an announcement on the Charlie Chat tonight.

The Tivo suit has NOTHING to do with the 922.

That would be great if there is some news on the 922, from what I have read it looks like it has some great features
FYI, E* is currently offering the VIP622, 722 and 722K. All are HD DVR's. Go to D* if you want but E* has the best lineup of HD DVR's.
If the OP is looking for something comparable to the D* HR2x series, the ViP612 would be a closer match in terms of capability.
I, like everyone else (besides the OP), think you are full of hot air.

You make insinuations about why a device is not available that, by the way, hasn't really been announced all that long.

Then throw out you want a "HD DVR" because E* is no longer selling them. You then state you will go to D* to get the equipment if the 922 is not available soon. Let me explain something to you...D* has NO comparable equipment to the 922 (so that point is moot). In fact, many would argue D* has NO comparable receiver to the 722/722K.

Sheesh...and you wonder why people think you are just stirring the pot...
Skyking. Have you read the Beta Forum at all? The device is not ready for public release because it is unfinished.
Not before 11-12 but hopefully for the Christmas Season. This is straight from Charlie's mouth from tonight's chat.
I expect to see the 922 come out a month before the return of the directivo unit. Though at least the 922 is out in hands of beta testers I have yet to seen any hard evidence that they are any directivo mpeg4 HD units outside those inside tivo R&D labs. I will say there are features of my HR2x series i wish my 722 had. Like Media share and eithernet passthrough and esata. I am excited about is the sling aspect of the 922. Only question I have about it at this moement have they made the 922 DLNA compatible ?
Maybe Skyking69 is on to something "not before nov. 12" When is the cort date?
There is nothing there. The Tivo case is over the DVR software on older DVR's. In the newer receivers the DVR features are hardware based not software based.

The outcome of the Tivo ruling has nothing to do with the 922.
I have mixed feelings about them wanting to release it at this point.

If Dish does push forward on releasing the 922 in the next couple of months, would you just recommend people get a Slingbox instead?

I've been sitting on this for the past several months, on whether to go Slingbox or wait for 922. But from what everybody has said during testing on the 922's, the prospect of quality software upon release is not encouraging. :(
Hopefully they will take all the feedback they get and release the 922 with good software. I know some people have been saying the box needed to be reset everyday and other aggravating stuff, but I don't thing they would release a product like that? I'm sure it will have bugs but hopefully they get the main problems ironed out. :confused:
I recently had a second receiver added and not only was the installer very knowledgeable and helpful (heck, he even sat with my fiancee and explained to her how to use the remote, showed her how to set recordings, etc.) but we got talking about the 922 and he informed me that training for the receivers and installation of the receivers (only 1 sat will be required now) will begin in December for installers. That tells me that we probably will see the box by Spring (which was his best guess as well).

VIP 722k louder than 612

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