Sling TV's Cloud DVR is now available on iOS, Windows 10 and AirTV Player devices <Cloud DVR arrives on iOS, Windows 10 and AirTV Player devices - What's On Sling>. Customers who do not currently have Cloud DVR may add it to their subscription at $5 per month for 50 hours of storage.
Additionally, AirTV Player received updates to the Sling TV UI, including:
* Customize local channels ribbon – Customers can now remove unwanted over-the-air (OTA) channels from their local channel lineup.
* What's On tiles – Informational tiles displaying what's on now, including locals picked up by an OTA antenna, now appear in the guide and on My TV.
* Recall – The AirTV Player "recall" button now shows the last five channels, recordings or on-demand content watched across OTA and Sling TV channels.
* Mini guide – A refreshed mini guide takes up less space, is faster and allows users to filter by channels and genres, and see a preview of what's up next.
For more information on the AirTV Player updates and Cloud DVR, including current features, check out the latest blog post<Cloud DVR arrives on iOS, Windows 10 and AirTV Player devices - What's On Sling> from Sling's Vice President of Product Management, Jimshade Chaudhari.
Additionally, AirTV Player received updates to the Sling TV UI, including:
* Customize local channels ribbon – Customers can now remove unwanted over-the-air (OTA) channels from their local channel lineup.
* What's On tiles – Informational tiles displaying what's on now, including locals picked up by an OTA antenna, now appear in the guide and on My TV.
* Recall – The AirTV Player "recall" button now shows the last five channels, recordings or on-demand content watched across OTA and Sling TV channels.
* Mini guide – A refreshed mini guide takes up less space, is faster and allows users to filter by channels and genres, and see a preview of what's up next.
For more information on the AirTV Player updates and Cloud DVR, including current features, check out the latest blog post<Cloud DVR arrives on iOS, Windows 10 and AirTV Player devices - What's On Sling> from Sling's Vice President of Product Management, Jimshade Chaudhari.