I use an HTPC for my primary viewing and want to use the MicroHD as a slave to do blind scanning. First off, I noticed that I got no TV signal when the MicroHD was first turned on when hooked to the power blocked side of a 1-leg power pass splitter. The green power button would just flash on/off until I hooked straight to my LNB. After that I got steady green light and TV signal output. Had me worried for about 30 minutes.
Whenever I connect to the power blocked side of my splitter the MicroHD displays a warning "LNB Short" even though I get good signal quality and good steady picture. Apparently, this warning can not be turned off and periodically covers the picture.
Is there any way that you guys know of to slave a MicroHD and not have this problem? Is there something I am missing?
Whenever I connect to the power blocked side of my splitter the MicroHD displays a warning "LNB Short" even though I get good signal quality and good steady picture. Apparently, this warning can not be turned off and periodically covers the picture.
Is there any way that you guys know of to slave a MicroHD and not have this problem? Is there something I am missing?