Skyvision DSR-410 system

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I decided to play around with an old DSR410-DNA I bought from Ebay a while ago for $10. It had been through a factory reset and never would remap on X4 back when I was seeing what it would do. It just sat there for days even with the green light and perfect signal.

Well, on AMC18 it remapped overnight and the trip counter even went to 5 using the Skyvision directions. Too bad it's a unit that probably never could get authorized. It works on the DMX channels and Blackbelt TV. I'm not sure why it was receiving rehits though since it's not subbed to anything. Guide and all, it says WSnet.

Anyone with an old unused 410 that wanted to try give it some life should be encouraged to connect to C band and try 105 deg, with it. I'm still waiting to see if the software comes up to 00114.
I am getting confused. Looking at the programming on 4DTV and the DSR-410, for my viewing they are both equal. I can spend the $439 for a new 4DTV and disconnect my Uniden Supra and hook this up and program it and be done. (hopefully).

I could purchase the DSR-410 and a LNBF for about $200. However my dish would be locked on a satellite indefinitely. If at some time I need to change satellites or decide to go to FTA, I would have to hope my actuator or motor did not lock up. Currently I move the dish to the east / west limits to keep parts lubed once a month.

If I go with DSR tell me if this would work:

1. If I replaced the current LNB / Feed with a LNBF could I use it with my Uniden Supra right now for C band reception? If so what do I need to do to make it work, at least temporarliy. I want to make sure I get the F/D set so when I switch to the DSR-410 it will be ready to receive the signal. I will keep the Uniden and just leave the motor hooked to it and move the dish east until I get to the satellite.

2. I read the instructions online for an LNBF and is says you must have your dish aimed at true south. That is going to be extremely hard for me to access the feed assembly since my dish is aligned and tracks the arc. It is about 15 feet in the air at true south. That is the reason why I was asking in question 1, if I could hook the LNBF and get it to work (even if it is just on one polarity) on G14.

I was very good at this back before 1998. I installed three C-band systems and aligned them like it was nothing. Now I can not figure out the instructions on an LNBF!
7.5 foot dish (KTI 7 plus). Since my dish is tracking the arc, I can put the dish on the g14 satellite and install the new LNBF and get it to work with either transponder 3 or 5 or 6?
If I go with DSR tell me if this would work:

1. If I replaced the current LNB / Feed with a LNBF could I use it with my Uniden Supra right now for C band reception? If so what do I need to do to make it work, at least temporarliy. I want to make sure I get the F/D set so when I switch to the DSR-410 it will be ready to receive the signal. I will keep the Uniden and just leave the motor hooked to it and move the dish east until I get to the satellite.

Most C band receivers manufactured in the past decade can operate a LNBF. Check in the menu of the Supra to see if there is an option. There are some really low priced C band LNBFs available. I bought a Gospell model to try on my 6' dish for $15 and it works great. Be sure to pick the LNBF with LO frequency of 5150 mhz, not a bandstacked model.
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I have a cheap astrotel 20 degree c band lnbf that is several years old and it is awesome.
It will lock stuff that my cheap dms bsc 211 won't touch.
Corrado..Thanks for the tip. I did find it in the owner's manual. So let me get this correct. If I buy a C band only LNBF I will only use a coaxial cable to the DSR-410. The servo wires will not be needed. If I buy a C / Ku LNBF, does that use 2 coaxial cables from the dish to the receiver? One that I saw online looks like the signal is combined to one coax cable.

Here is what I am leaning to purchase:
c-LNBF - the best one that is easy to work with

Anything else I need? How about if I want to do FTA? What else should I purchase?

Sorry for all of the questions.


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I have not been able to successfully use my dsr-410 with W5 yet. My dish is aligned to W5, I can get the analog test page on transponder 23 with a nearly perfect picture(using a dsr922) yet I cannot get the green dc light to come on(using the 410). I was unable to get help from Skyvision support. He told me I had the dish turned to the wrong sat. No help from SRL either, though I do understand that they are simply a third party. I am using a Geosat Pro dual output cband lnbf and a 6 foot solid dish. If anyone has been able to successfully subscribe their dsr410 to W5, please help. :)
I have not been able to successfully use my dsr-410 with W5 yet. My dish is aligned to W5, I can get the analog test page on transponder 23 with a nearly perfect picture(using a dsr922) yet I cannot get the green dc light to come on(using the 410). I was unable to get help from Skyvision support. He told me I had the dish turned to the wrong sat. No help from SRL either, though I do understand that they are simply a third party. I am using a Geosat Pro dual output cband lnbf and a 6 foot solid dish. If anyone has been able to successfully subscribe their dsr410 to W5, please help. :)

Here's the best way...
Go to options 6778, do a system reset and let it reboot. Go to channel 204. Back to options 6778, manual tune freq 1170.000 mhz. 19.51, 3/4. select tune and look for green light. If not try opposite polarity left instead of right etc. If you have Websams try a rehit to speed up download with green light on otherwise it will take several hours instead of an hour.
I was thinking his 410 may be "reversed polarity". You never know about those things.
The dsr series receivers are a little strange in whether they like "rotated 90 degrees" or not on the lnbf settings.

You should get a DC lock with a good analog picture on the sat.
Last night I reversed the polarity on the tune satellite signal screen(after doing a 67786 reset) and I can now get a green(dc) light when tuned to channel 204. My signal level is good - lower to mid 80s. I called SRL and had him check my setup and send some hits. Hits are received and the guide loaded. Waited overnight and still no picture. The only unusual thing I notice now vs. when it was connected to X4 is that the provider id in the aim dish screen is now zero.
The only unusual thing I notice now vs. when it was connected to X4 is that the provider id in the aim dish screen is now zero.

Provider 4160 must show in the box. If I remember correctly 4096 and 2 might show up and are wrong. In the status box from options 6-5, check for EMM stream. It should say YES. Try to unplug and wait a few minutes and reconnect while on 204 (GSN). Give it a while to see and recheck the status fields. There is a line for provider IDs there also. The trick is 4160 must be recognized. You could try to manual tune again. **NOT reset**

What does the field have for subscription status? Should be S on subbed channels or U for ALTV or Blackbelt. The U channels should come in.

Does the top of the EPG have the SRL banner?

From what I understand Kurt or Del are the Skyvision guys to talk to.
It works!

:)Mine remapped on W5 and last night I ordered programming and it works great. It even has a real guide now that I could not get on X4. Thank god I was hateing the thought of moving the 922 to the living room with the wiring since my attic is only about 2 feet high in the highest spot!
I'm working with skyvision but still having problems with mine. Rotating the lnb solved the green light problem, I have a green light on all channels now. I can receive Blackbelt and American Life and the audio channels in the clear. All of the channel numbers map in and the current program information appears on screen but the 'subscription needed' message appears even though my subscription is current.

My problem is the 'tune satellite signal screen' (the one with the signal meter). Provider id defaults to 0. I can manually enter 4160(X4) or 4096(W5) and the description will change to 'correct signal found'. If I leave this screen and return, it sets back to 0. There seems to be no way to lock the value. I also see satellite AI appears in the box below instead of W5. On a hidden screen, options 6-0(I believe), the diagnostic screens acknowledge a value of "satellite: 105". I have tried a soft and hard reset and the reciever will accept hits when I use websams. EMM Stream=Yes
Subscription Status on 204=NS
Manual tune signal page 68861 has provider id 4096.
I called SRL and had them switch the setup to be used with W5.
Top of the Guide has the SRL logo, but guide info is never downloaded.
I didn't have any previous setup issues and had been using the same receiver on X4 since last October.
410 ownner

hi guys... i own a 410 that is currently active on according to corrado all i have to do is change my feed to cband put my currently active receiver on w5 ch. 204 let it stand for 45mins and i should be this correct? would i have to call in for a re hit?
hi guys... i own a 410 that is currently active on according to corrado all i have to do is change my feed to cband put my currently active receiver on w5 ch. 204 let it stand for 45mins and i should be this correct? would i have to call in for a re hit?

Do you have a C band dish? If you have the small Ku dish they sold as a package, it isn't large enough for C band. A 6' dish is minimum for reliable service.

I've remapped 2 receivers now and a rehit helps. It will occur on it's own every few hours from the provider. When I did the second receiver that was active on X4 it didn't get anything on W5. A master reset cleared the stored maps and enabled it to download the new maps. Channel numbers remain the same when done and took about 2 hours to come back to life.

Try some of the steps posted earlier in the thread.
remapping in the process

thanks corrado, i have a 12ft highest signal is 99, some channels are weaker in the 80's.. my sidecars are working great on w5, my dsr 920 is not responding to w5 when i choose from the program satellites menu, it just clicks and goes back to whatever ch and sat i was previously on,,, since i can't go to g1 i put it on go 5,,i'm gonna try leaving it there for a couple hours and see what dsr 410's are all on 204 with a green indicator light...after about 1 hr i changed the channels on one,,i noticed some confusion ,,like i'm getting w.e. where another ch should be...but i'm not getting ch. like ifc that i paid for on the x4 basic pkg. the trip counter reached up to 32 dont know if it up a notch by now... so i put it back on ch 204 maybe for a couple hrs...and i'll see what happens....maybe i should have left it on ch. 204 in the first place for a longer period... i think i should call skyvision for a re you said that 'll probably help....i hope this works....i have this headache and i have a bad feeling i'll be up all night:(:D..well its friday i'll probably have couple drinks,,might help..
For a 920 to load maps you need to do a unplug replug but If the TDT count on the 920 is at 1920 you will need to do a master reset.
Here's an update on my dsr410 situation. I ordered a replacement dsr410 after having no luck on authorizing the original one(that worked fine on X4) on W5. Hooked it up tonight to W5, called programming-center to change receiver id on my account and INSTANT SUCCESS! All of my channels come in fine, guide loaded quickly and correctly, no problems now. I was getting close to having to do the unthinkable and switch back to the small dish people. Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know about the happy ending.:)
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