SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

I could not find a mention of DBS on seems like all the links point to the pending IPTV service.. looks like the DBS will be history soon.
Ditch sky angel? DBS?

yes, for all practical purposes DBS seems to have ceased to exist! If you even try to "order" it takes you back to the request IPTV info. I might add that I requested IPTV info way back when out of curiosity and never received anything. Maybe I am black listed for complaining, who knows...........

As for ditching sky angel, if you are a lifetimer then you might as well hang in until the end. That could be weeks or months away as they haven't seen fit to tell us. I am reasonably certain that they will NOT shut off DBS without trying to sell us IPTV. If you are monthly and you find something else that suits you then you might as well go for it. Let us know what you choose......
The center graphic at Sky Angel does still flash "$14.99 per month." Either SA has overlooked removing that -- or maybe they plan to start out with that as the monthly cost (temporary special offer) to entice current monthly subscribers to go to IPTV.

The Sky Angel Canada offer is $24.99 per month with the first month free - a limited offer which expired 9/1/07.
I would say that is a mistake that sky angel will correct as soon as they read about it here :)
They won't read about it here, obviously as much heat as they have been getting here, if they knew about it they would have had SOME response.
Quote from SA site:

The Sky Angel television service is a unique direct-to-home television service that can be received virtually anywhere in the Continental United States. For a small monthly fee, Sky Angel will deliver to your television over 30 TV & radio channels with programs that will edify, entertain and encourage your entire family. At the same time, you will be playing a necessary role in helping to build up the world's only Christian-owned and operated direct-to-home multi-channel television service to ensure that there will always be a secure electronic outlet for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and programs promoting biblical values.

No mention of a dish needed.

Sky Angel: Christian Family-Friendly TV and Radio: Overview of Sky Angel

I also don't see any Equipment pages on the site now. All links to dish eqipment have been removed it seems.
sad but true

They are aware of these boards and I know they monitor the "other" board although they haven't posted in quite a while. Also some have posted that customer service reps have said they are "aware" of the boards.

The sad truth is that they are aware of our opinions and do not care. they could have stopped the "rumors" and just posted the facts a long time ago! You will notice (as far as I am aware) that all lifetime members still have the 'special 4" even if they didn't pay for it They wasted time and money sending out those letters!
While I think they handled many things poorly, I don't see how involvement here would help them at all. A lot of hostility exists here and any rep that dared speak up would probably get thoroughly flamed, at least until the moderators stepped in. Anything short of either going back to the old model (via DBS) or giving the new service free to lifetime subs would not be likely to generate any useful content, and those are not viable economically for them.

I have moved on from them, though I keep getting these email reminders so I keep posting here.... :D

Just FYI, everyone. I looked at the Canadian package details. They are offering programming packages for TV/computer (requires the set-top box), or for computer only. The monthly fee for both is $24.99, but, of course, the TV package requires purchasing the box.

At my house, my computer monitor is the same size as the TV screen that is in the same room - and that is where I would have wanted Sky Angel anyway. So I may give it a try on computer only. Advantage to me is that I use an FM transmitter on my computer to play music, news, sports, Christian teaching programs, etc. throughout my house on all my radios. SA on my computer would give me a gazillion options without changing my FM transmitter hookup back and forth.

I would not have all the features the set-top box would offer, but this would offer a way to "try out" the IPTV without buying the equipment.

Oh yes, they also offer a $250/year SA programming charge.

Hmmm . . .
system requirements

Make sure that your internet speed is high enough and that your internet provider doesn't have any band width limits (hope thats the right term). some will step you down in speed if you use more than "average".
My I'net speed is 5.0+ MB, not sure what the band width limit is about.

I called Insight (my high-speed provider) today to describe the new SA IPTV options. The tech thought I would have no problems with any of them.
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Guards answer to me

I'm sorry to hear you won't be following Sky Angel to IPTV. Unfortunately, at this time we do not have clearance on any of the other satellite distribution systems available. We are continually looking for other business opportunities and hope we will have a different answer in the future.

Thanks for being a faithful viewer and for taking a moment to write in and comment.


Dave Wilson
Director of Programming & Operations
WSFJ GTN 51 | GTN Sky Angel | Guardian Studios
Yes, they responded to me a while back, but they were more detailed with the response to me. Apparently, they have no uplink capability of their own.

Maybe the short response is due to multiple requests for them to move over to other providers (Glorystar in my case).
I basically told them that I would not be switching to IPTV and asked where I would be able to view them. tat was the response.
It is also possible that the whole concept of losing viewers has not truly sunk in yet. When the switch finally happens, that's when some channels will find a way to switch over to Glorystar or FTA in general, or another provider.
I think this list is only the tip of the iceburg. AIG at first sent me a general email then later contacted me to find out more. Of course I suggested they read this and other forums. some of the broadcasters, channels seem genuinely surprised when you contact them.

This change to IPTV is going to catch many off guard. When/if THE letter finally comes I think skyangel CS will be swamped will calls.
Then those who aren't caught in a contract with Skyangel will jump. It is at that point that Skyangel will be sold. I would almost bet on it, if I was a gambling guy.

If sky angel is saying the lifetime contract (debatable in my opinion)is void then certainly any remaining yearly contract will be VOID once sky angel switches to IPTV. They can't force people to pay the remainder on a contract for DBS if they aren't providing DBS service.
Then those who aren't caught in a contract with Skyangel will jump. It is at that point that Skyangel will be sold.
Huh? :confused: After current subscribers are discarded, Sky Angel will have very limited assets. I doubt anybody would be stupid enough to buy them.

Obviously I don't see their IPTV offering being successful. I'm fairly confident it won't be successful with current customers due to cost or lack of broadband availability. New customers? People already on the net are probably savvy enough to get for free what SA wants to charge us for.

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