SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

I will hap[pily join the suit, they used the lifetime money to start their service and should be ashamed to screw their lifers........

perhaps we should all call complain and be general nuisance on the same day.

there are likely options, and are selling the transponder space back to dish..........

i am more than a little mad.
I agree with your sentiment although your choice of words won't win any points assuming skyangel really is monitoring this board.

Before this gets to the lawsuit stage I think a few more options need to be explored. The main thing is HOW do we get the word out to ALL or MOST of sky Angels customers?

Many have no idea of the proposed changes that will be taking place such as IPTV, cancelling DBS and lifetime subs etc

A few ideas to toss around: letters to newspapers, Christian mags, local churches etc

Contacting the media in large #s, possibly starting with FOX news as they broadcast on SA?

a more costly , but possibly more effective option would be to pay for a few well placed ads. I am not talking about slanderous but sticking to the facts that skyangel seems so reluctant to disclose such as cancelling DBS, HIGH cost and requirements of IPTV and possibly even mentioning alternatives such as glorystar?

I believe skyangel has already shown that they do not value the opinions of its current subscribers. Therefore the only way to deal with them will either be in the court of public opinion eg media blitz or unfortunately the legal court

In the meantime I can only suggest people seriously look into glorystar, post flyers (see link elsewhere on the board) for them etc. some people have already "jumped ship" as they are tired of waiting for skyangel to give any official notice to its subscribers. If I was a monthly sub I think I would do the same
SkyAngel Disclaimer

I was over on the SkyAngel Site and stumbled across this:

Disclaimer: Programming, channels, number of channels, subscription prices, and special offers all subject to changes without notice. DBS satellite receiving equipment purchases are at your own risk as Sky Angel has requested permission from the FCC to transfer ownership of its satellite frequencies to DISH Network and if approved will discontinue providing dbs service shortly after FCC approval.

I found it here:

I wonder why they are not communicating this to its subcribers?
This is an example of what I have been complaining about, its all but hidden in the "fine print". How many subscribers are online? I haven't heard a disclosure on their TV ads. they have not notified their subscribers of any changes and its been months now!
If Sky Angel transfers its transponders to Dish, does Dish still have to meet any of the requirements Dominion did when licensing these transponders in the first place? Like does it have to be religious programming? Or can Dish just put up a bunch of PPV or porn channels or whatever it darn well pleases?
In my opinion, this is another area in which SA* has not told "the rest of the story" - these transponders are not required to provide Christian, religious, and/or faith programming in any way, shape, or form.
SA* constantly used to mention that they were the only "FCC Licensed Christian Satellite TV system" and this is technically true, but does not mean what some might think. The FCC License, by law, thanks to the First Amendment, cannot require any specific type of content to be transmitted on DBS, except a certain number of Public Interest channels, but even then, their content may not be regulated either.

SA* is indeed the only company holding an FCC DBS license which *chooses* to operate all licenses it holds from a Christian perspective with family/faith programming. However, they could choose to send any type of programming they would like, and would only (as E* does with some adult programs) have to block explicit channels in the specific states where they are against state law.

Once E* acquires the SA* DBS licenses, E* would be free to use them for any type of programming they see fit to transmit, again as long as they offer some required Public Interest channels. However, only 4% of capacity must be set aside for PI, so most of the transponder space could be used for anything E* desires.

(It would be interesting, however, since the SA* license transfer to E* removes a small business and a third competitor in the DBS market, if the FCC could be convinced to require a higher Public Interest set-aside, perhaps 8 or 10 percent of channels on the eight transponders. This would give Christian and secular non-commercial programmers a better chance at a PI channel.)
That is certainly something one could write to their congressman about.

And what would that accomplish? A small, third provider is not viable. Two are barely surviving. SkyAngel was never a real provider - they never had their own equipment, etc.

About Sky Angel and Dominion Video Satellite Inc.
Celebrating 25 years since its founding and 10 years on the air, Sky Angel is among America's three multi-channel, high-power, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators and the only one with a Christian mission and purpose, carrying the widest variety of Christian-inspirational channels available through cable or satellite. Owned and operated by Dominion Video Satellite Inc., Sky Angel delivers nationwide over 30 TV and radio channels of quality Christian programming, popular family entertainment and 24-hour news. Homes in all 48 Continental United States and certain U.S. territories currently receive Sky Angel through a small 20-inch satellite dish for $14.99/month or $149.90/year. Churches, nursing homes, colleges and other commercial entities also subscribe to the Sky Angel service. Dominion was the second company to apply to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a high-power DBS license in 1981 and is the sole surviving DBS pioneer from that first round of nine applicants.
They are going to have to alter these bragging rights!
I just watched a segment of "Inside Sky Angel" that was about the change to IPTV. I tuned in after it started, so I don't know what explanation they gave at the beginning.

The segment included a listing of channels, which included a number of new TV channels. However, I noticed several of the current radio channels missing from the list - but it may be that they have not negotiated with all of them yet. It said "more coming."
Neulion Info - IPTV feedback

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Video on the Net Conference, March 19-22, 2007 San Jose, CA

Video: Neulion Feature Presentation from the floor of Video on the Net
Chris Wagner, Founder and CEO of Neulion, gives a special presentation about Neulion's successful IPTV service.

It appears the box will be able to offer subscriptions to any Neulion service. Which is no different then the capabilities of Sat or Cable to distribute the good stuff and the bad. These options are more niche oriented though. It may be a positive thing. They may offer A family entertainment service in the future that promotes the best in wholesome secular programs. This may also wake up Cable and Sat to offer more Faith based channels.

Love it or hate it. I think this IPTV is the best thing since sliced bread. I was on the fence about buying the SA Dish service. I'm glad I waited. This will add more subscribers then it will lose. It appears as if this new distribution method is tested and performs as it claims. Granted it creates A rift with the current subscribers and drops the distribution network it already has in place. But they did the best they could with what they had to work with. They can't compete with the big boys without charging an amount higher then the subscriber is willing to pay thorough that distribution method.

The decision to choose the Neulion brand of IPTV is just as monumental and ground breaking as when Robert W. Johnson acquired the DBS license I believe. It was a tough decision but I believe it was well thought out. This wasn't a knee jerk reaction to tick off subscribers and dump the Dish. It was a reality that it is not cost effective. I know many may disagree but this distribution method will be sucessful. I hope and pray that any people whose only option is a satellite will find an alternative. It would be great if we could have both services. Then we could have our cake and eat it to. But the sad reality is it isn't looking that way.

Also I know the Lifetime subs are upset and that is understandable. But think of it this way. Would your church be able to survive and grow if all the members made a one time tithe. I work for a Christian Ministry/Business and it is not the easiest position to be in. You always have your critics. Just my two cents.
I am not sure I agree that it will add SkyAngel subscribers, but I do agree that the Internet itself is the delivery platform of the future. More an more things will go that method. I expect even cars radios to go that way, to the detriment of satellite radio. Dish and DirectTV will face the same issues as the net becomes "everywhere".

It will take a while, and it may get delayed, but it is the direction....

sorry to disagree

I honestly do not think that IPTV is going to attract many Christians to skyangel. The problems they have had attracting Christians even when the service was only $9.99/month may prove to be insurmountable. The past has already shown that many Christians are not interested in so called Christian broadcasting. In fact many frown on TV evangelists in general. Factor in disillusioned lifetime members who will not follow skyangel anywhere. Then add in those who might have been interested yet have NO HIGH SPEED INTERNET. Finally there is now some competition from GLORYSTAR. what competition did skyangel have before? NONE, they made sure DISH couldn't broadcast most of the Christian stations. In fact if dish is smart they will put together a Christian family package and keep it under $20. Since it would use equipment skyangel subs already have I have a feeling they would keep many of the skyangel customers.

You know skyangel opened a whole can of worms when they attempted to charge lifetime members for the specials. That generated several different forums. Without those forums many would still be in the dark about the whole IPTV. People MIGHT have been more accepting if this had been handled in a better , more informed manner! All in all skyangel shot themselves in the wing this time...

IPTV may be the wave of the future but its not a big enough wave that skyangel should have chosen to ride it yet. As Christians we are to be good stewards of the Lords $. throwing good $ after bad would not be good stewardship.

The difference is the the LIFETIME members were a)asked/offered subs by skyangel and more importantly b) sky angel would not have survived this long if they didn't have the infusion of $$$$ from the lifetime subs.

Skyangel got greedy, they could have stopped offering the subs but every time they needed quick cash they made another lifetime member appeal at varying prices. towards the end they offered 10 year subs for more than the lifetime members paid! Those 10 year subs still have time on them as well. supposedly they will prorate them at the regular monthly cost meaning they will also end up with NOTHING.

We lifetime members enabled skyangel to become what it is. Now in yet another effort to make $ they want to sell lifetimers on IPTV at a monthly cost?!

I personally believe that the current FREE MONTH promotion in Canada is a sign that SKYANGEL and IPTV are already in financial trouble. Lets face it Canada isn't known for being a particularly devout Christian nation as it is. if Canadians have been waiting years to be able to finally get skyangel they shouldn't need fancy promos to get them to sign up!

You know the old but very true phrase "FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME" ...................

I watched the link above, so should you CAREFULLY

A few interesting points #1 being that the WHOLESALE cost of box is $125!

you need 1 box per TV, I think most of us knew that

need highspeed internet, we should all know that by now :)

You can purchase other programming using same box

A few not so nice facts:

NEULION tracks and reports YOUR VIEWING (to skyangel and.....)what you watch and how often ! just what we need another invasion of our privacy. Opens a whole door to big brother, doesn't it!

there was some discussion a while back as to IF skyangel could monitor who was watching, what and when. Well that question was answered by NEULION and it will now be YES, definitely. the next question will be just what do they do with our information? is it private, will it be (in all probability) SOLD to marketing companies?

neulion handles billing, turn on and off service. what happens to skyangel customer service?

need minimum of 5000 subscribers

no dvr , everything kept on server, kept and indexed
And what would that accomplish? A small, third provider is not viable. Two are barely surviving. SkyAngel was never a real provider - they never had their own equipment, etc.


SkyAngel was always an option for those that wanted Christian programming. They were licensed by the FCC. IF the FCC is now going to approve the sale of their transponders, it would only be appropriate for the FCC to require the remaining DBS providers to carry more PI channels. This is something our congressmen can do something about.
The decision to choose the Neulion brand of IPTV is just as monumental and ground breaking as when Robert W. Johnson acquired the DBS license I believe. It was a tough decision but I believe it was well thought out. This wasn't a knee jerk reaction to tick off subscribers and dump the Dish. It was a reality that it is not cost effective. I know many may disagree but this distribution method will be sucessful. I hope and pray that any people whose only option is a satellite will find an alternative. It would be great if we could have both services. Then we could have our cake and eat it to. But the sad reality is it isn't looking that way.

Also I know the Lifetime subs are upset and that is understandable. But think of it this way. Would your church be able to survive and grow if all the members made a one time tithe. I work for a Christian Ministry/Business and it is not the easiest position to be in. You always have your critics. Just my two cents.
Things appear to have happened rather swiftly to have been well thought out, but since SA chose to be secretive I don't know that to be fact. Smith Wigglesworth said, "If what you hold can't stand the light of truth it is wrong." And, SA seemed afraid of the light of truth. As for the church being able to survive on a single tithe . . . if SA was depending on the "lifers", then its actions would be even more deplorable. Like dumping the old family and seeking a new one. But, I have no knowledge of the ratio of "lifers" to "pay-as-you-goers" (that's a secret too).
NEULION tracks and reports YOUR VIEWING (to skyangel and.....)what you watch and how often !

This allows them to sell your view records to others. So if one watches Cornerstone Television a lot but never donates money they may still start getting letters from Cornerstone asking for donations.
This allows them to sell your view records to others. So if one watches Cornerstone Television a lot but never donates money they may still start getting letters from Cornerstone asking for donations.
You would have to agree to allow them to release your information - i.e. read your subscriber agreement CAREFULLY. My company does IPTV over fiber, and we gather similar information, but as soon as a record is read into our system, we dump the client's information so that it's never identifiable (even to our inside employees).

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