skip a timer and have it record at a later time automatically


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 8, 2012
just got the hopper and joey a week ago, but have been on the 722 for a few years. I skipped a new recording i had on the history channel assuming it would pick it up at midnight when it re-aired it, but it just skipped it all together until there was another new episode. Did i do something wrong or not have a setting selected. the 722 seemed to do this automatically. It works great for recording local channels that dont immediatley replay shows versus cable channels that repeat the shows again in a few hours.

I hope that makes sense let me know if i need to clarify more. by the way first post here, this is a great site.
I'm almost 100% sure my VIP612's do not work as you describe your 722 does. If I go to the schedule and skip a new show, it does record later when it repeats,it skips it completely. However, If I schedule a recording when there are no tuners available, (I do this on purpose) it will record that new show when it repeats later, whenever that is.
I have never heard of anythi8ng like this with any of the Dish DVRs I have had. If you want to skip something set tp record at a specific time, the only way I know is to delete that scheduled recording and to make a new on with the desire time.
I'm not upgraded to the Hopper, tings, but that's the way my 622 and 722 work. I would have assumed the Hopper worked the same way.
And :welcome to satelliteguys!!! I'm sure someone will be able to give you more info soon. Members are extremely knowledgeable and helpful!! :D
I believe that if you have the timer set for New only and the next air time is not new, then it will not record it because it is a repeat not a new episode. But if you have the timer set for all episodes it will catch the next airing.
I have never heard of anythi8ng like this with any of the Dish DVRs I have had. If you want to skip something set tp record at a specific time, the only way I know is to delete that scheduled recording and to make a new on with the desire time.
Works that way the with the three I have had, 622, 722, 722k. Been discussed numerous times.
I believe that if you have the timer set for New only and the next air time is not new, then it will not record it because it is a repeat not a new episode. But if you have the timer set for all episodes it will catch the next airing.

Yes, that's what I was saying. If you skip a recording event set for new shows, it will not pick it up later. (at least on the VIP612) If it's set for all shows, it makes sense it would pick it up if/when it airs again.
maybe it was just a weird time that it didnt replay a new episode, but i was pretty sure it had one scheduled. I will do some more testing.
Well it was easy enough to try, very frustrating. I picked two shows on Monday next week set for new only, skipped them, and they did not get picked up later, BUT - the one show I have tonight, "Fairly Legal" did indeed get set to record at Midnight instead of 9PM when I skipped it......... So now I just don't know but obviously it can do it.
My 622 will pick up the next airing, or at least it always used to. I haven't tried it in a long time, so maybe they changed it.
I have lots of Hopper timers set to "new" that record the next play after a skip of the original due to conflicts. It may be that if you initiate an episode skip that it considers that you don't want to record the episode.
My hoppers work the same way my 722 worked. If I skip an episode of a recording it does pick up that episode for later that night (if there is an episode that airs later). I do this frequently with shows like Swamp People, Deadliest Catch, etc.
I believe that if you have the timer set for New only and the next air time is not new, then it will not record it because it is a repeat not a new episode.
That's not accurate, at least not with the 722k and other DVRs. The system is smart enough to realize that even though it's no longer a "new" episode, it does know it never recorded the first-run of the episode (due to conflict or user-skip), so it records it. Like others have said, we do this ALL the time.
A problem I have with this: Only the first showing of Top Gear gets labeled as "new." Repeat airings aren't new, and they get a different air date, presumably when they aired in the UK, and not on BBCA. So I have to manually restore the repeat. Same thing happens onmy wife's Brazilian channels. I set them to "new & reruns" to make sure I get them. But it works just like my 722 on other channels. Even when I "user skip" one, it picks up the next one. I do this to free up a tuner for live tv frequently.
A problem I have with this: Only the first showing of Top Gear gets labeled as "new." Repeat airings aren't new, and they get a different air date, presumably when they aired in the UK, and not on BBCA.

Well that was exactly one of the shows I tried in my post above and I said it didn't work. That may explain why.
I think that's it. I tried it tonight on my 622 with Lost Girl on SyFy and no joy. After reading your post, I looked at the original air date on the second airing and it was the Canadian one. Once again, a big thanks for nothing to the RETARDS at Tribune!

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