Skew control

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 1, 2006
Way Up North

12 ft bud
pansat 2500a
c-band lnb Nexus 45k - 65 db
ku lnb norsat .7 - 56 db
Corotor with servo

c-band rg6 lnb to pansat 2500a then out to analog reciever
ku band not hooked up ( YET )

My question is should the skew controls from corotor go to the pansat or the GI-4730a or go LNB to the pansat and then on to the Gi or Gi then back to the pansat.

with skew to analog on G-10 channel 16 and 18 will let me watch the outdoor channel on the digital box but analog 15, 17, 19 give me no picture on digital box.

California lnbf 25k gave the same thing, horizonal transponders but no vertical with pansat box, odd or even channels only.
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Make sure if you're wanted to use the "loop out" on the pansat to go to the analog receiver that the pansat is on standby (switch on the back is on, but the button on the front is off). That way the analog receiver can get both odd and even TPs. With the Pansat on, the analog receiver can only see whatever polarity that the Pansat is on at the moment.
Don't know why you're not getting any channels on the Pansat while you've got the analog receiver on those odd channels. You should be getting 3 Gospel Music Channels. This is what works best for me:
Others have other methods that work best for them. I use the analog receiver (4dtv) to drive the dish and for control of the servo motor. And, my Pansat only gets the polarity the analog box is on.

Skew line comes in to analog box only at this time , rg6 goes pansat, then out to Gi4730.

pansat on, analog G10 tps16,18,19 all with picture. 16 locked sound when channel code rolled

analog box tps 16,18, pansat gets outdoor digital G0-1 outdoor channel, analog tps 19 pansat no picture on G0-1 outdoor channel.

I would like to use both boxes on all channels that are available with c-band corotor setup, both polarities on both boxes.
voomvoom said:
Don't know why you're not getting any channels on the Pansat while you've got the analog receiver on those odd channels. You should be getting 3 Gospel Music Channels. This is what works best for me:
Others have other methods that work best for them. I use the analog receiver (4dtv) to drive the dish and for control of the servo motor. And, my Pansat only gets the polarity the analog box is on.


Ok from diagram the c-band splits to both box's, where do the skew control wires go to analog reciever or digital reciever or to both boxes, into pansat and back out to the GI 4730a so that both can control the servo on the corotor as needed to get a picture on both even and odd transponders or analog channels.

The Pansat has manual skew contols and so does the GI 4730a but digital won't show both polarities with analog control of the corotor servo. even scanning first even/horizontal the changing analog channel to odd/vertical and rescanning gives a channel list but no picture without a change at the analog box to even or odd channel to switch polarity.

Even channel gives horizontal and odd channel gives vertical tps but for some reason not both on the digital box with a corotor. See the problem I can have one or the other but not both.
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Joe, you can't control the polarity with both receiver's. You can't control the dish drive with the Pansat, unless you get a VBOX II unit. Until that happens it's safe to say the drive will be with the analog receiver. And if you get a VBOX II, you can't control the drive with both the VBOX II and the analog receiver, at least I don't think you could.
Now back to the polarity. You can't control the polarity with both receivers. You need to decide which receiver you are going to use for the polarity. Which ever one you choose, will be the master of polarity and the other will only get the polarity the master is on. That will make the other receiver the "slave", and the slave will only get the polarity the master is on. So, you have to change the polarity on the master, whenever you want to watch a different polarity on the slave. I know that s**ks, but that's the way it is.

voomvoom said:
Joe, you can't control the polarity with both receiver's. You can't control the dish drive with the Pansat, unless you get a VBOX II unit. Until that happens it's safe to say the drive will be with the analog receiver. And if you get a VBOX II, you can't control the drive with both the VBOX II and the analog receiver, at least I don't think you could.
Now back to the polarity. You can't control the polarity with both receivers. You need to decide which receiver you are going to use for the polarity. Which ever one you choose, will be the master of polarity and the other will only get the polarity the master is on. That will make the other receiver the "slave", and the slave will only get the polarity the master is on. So, you have to change the polarity on the master, whenever you want to watch a different polarity on the slave. I know that s**ks, but that's the way it is.


Yah I found out why you can't, I hooked up a 3-wire jumger from analog to pansat skew control and even with the pansat off the skew alternated from one box to the other giving a real crappy picture because it never stopped trying to setup the polarity. remove wire great picture If I want outdoor channel I have to park analog on g-10 and an even channel to get picture, odd channel gives zero signal quality and no picture........
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