Site is sluggish

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 3, 2006
Good morning all,
The site has been very sluggish for the last two days. Is there an issue with the database? I have checked speeds by comparison and the other 30 or so sites I frequent are all responding normally (instantly). Just thought I might bring it up in case others are seeing it too.
It was the same for me. But it wasn't the site itself as about 20 other sites were slow too while the remainder were speedy. Rebooting the DSL modem took care of it and SG and other sites returned to their speedy selfs.

Good morning all,
The site has been very sluggish for the last two days. Is there an issue with the database? I have checked speeds by comparison and the other 30 or so sites I frequent are all responding normally (instantly). Just thought I might bring it up in case others are seeing it too.
Come to think of it this started yesterday after I installed Vonage. weird that this is the only affected site for me though. Oh well, I guess I'll forward all calls to my cell and unplug it. Thanks everyone.
Sure as crap, it was the Vonage. Wireline is back here Tuesday anyway.
wow, I have vonage and have no issues.

How do you have it installed? What adapter? If you have say motoroal adapter (which I have) and your PC running through the adapter for internet access, then I recommend a router. I use a basic Linksys with HyperWRT firmware. I use it for the QOS (Quality of Service) features in it so I can ensure certain things (vonage calls) get bandwidth, but also don't interfere with my browsing.
That is interesting, I would like to know why your install would affect this site only also.
Have thought about Vonage but would hate it, if it affected browseing that bad.
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We had Vonage for a year and a half until this past July when we moved to our new house and had DSL installed.

Vonage in no way interfered with web browsing whatsoever.
Actually I have heard of some cases where if Vonage adapter was on the edge of the setup (connected to the internet directly and PC running through it) that sometimes DNS would take longer to resolve names, especially if a call was going on.

Powermax, does your DNS server info come from a DHCP server (Vonage adapter or router) or do you have them statically assigned. Are you trying to use your router/vonage adapter to handle DNS requests and relay it on to you or are you going directly to the DNS server?
wow, I have vonage and have no issues.

How do you have it installed? What adapter? If you have say motoroal adapter (which I have) and your PC running through the adapter for internet access, then I recommend a router. I use a basic Linksys with HyperWRT firmware. I use it for the QOS (Quality of Service) features in it so I can ensure certain things (vonage calls) get bandwidth, but also don't interfere with my browsing.

Vonage also no problem here:up
Sounds like a simple setup issue, because if setup correctly your VoIP adapter, regardless of provider, should not put any drag on your surfing.
Guys, the site is no long slow for me :)

I was Vonage, configured as Internet router (Comcast) -> Vonage -> PC. When setting up I was powered down, and followed the guide to a tee. Vonage worked great, LAN traffic was fine, Internet was great other than satguys portal.

It does not matter now becuase as I said, wireline is back on Tuesday. I am moving to DSL so I can lease the 8 IP's for 10/mo rather than web hosting and do everything in house to circumvent the network at the office. Plus I have many other projects I need to do that requires multiple IP's not alloted by Comcast.

The site it FINE, it was my config that was the problem and I was lazy not to scan it out and see where the actual bottleneck was, it was a long day and night prior to th e issue.

Thanks for the assists.
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