SIRIUS to become a Premium Service? - NO

It appears that there may be some truth to this. I just got home a few moments ago from Echostar Spokeman Marc Lumpkin who wants to call me and explain the "SIRIUS Offer".

More as I know it.
Ok I just had a good talk with Marc Lumpkin.

It appears there is no truth to this rumor at this time, however with that said sometime in the future it may be the case as contracts are renewed all the time.

So for now it appears SIRIUS is safe if you have AT120 or higher.

The new Sirius promo that is going on is a $30 mail in rebate when you buy a Sirius Radio from your local Dish Network retailer.

Let's hope this puts this rumor to bed for now. :)

Thanks to Marc for calling me to set the record straight.
I listen to them on Dishnetwork but don't think I would pay $3 for them and probably wouldn't use there satellite radio service either although I may think differently if that happens. I may also switch to AT60 I don't know. There are a few channels in 120 that I watch not being sirius.
I listen to the Sirius channels all the time, it's the ONLY thing that justifies the recent price increase. If they take away my Sirius channels and keep the price of the package the same AND ask me to pay them $3 extra a month, I will laugh in their face and cancel on the spot. If anyone from E* is reading this, Sirius is NECESSARY for your service, not optional. The Muzak channels are pathetic, they are gone from my guide, Sirius is the only music on Dish I listen to. I will NOT go back to the Muzak channels, I will go back to cable if it happens though. I am baffled that they would even consider such an absurd thing as much as they have hyped this up since they added them, I wish them luck attempting to take these channels away from people. :smug
What Sirius music channels? :D

Seriously, I have three Sirius channels on my "Favorites" list as well as two CD channels. I probably listen less than an hour a month. If they left I wouldn't be too mad (even though E* did mention them in connection with the rate increase). Sirius was supposed to be FREE to E* under their marketing deal. Give us a taste so we buy expensive service for portable/vehicle use.

I wouldn't mind seeing $5 per month for the talk channels - but I wouldn't pay it. I've reached my price threshold ... I'm not looking to spend more on TV.

Heres a twist. I bought two Sirius subs, and some stock because I heard a taste of the great programming on Dish. Now with the most recent price increase I'm thinking of dropping to 60+ on Dish because I have all the music I need with my Sirius receivers. The only channel I will miss would be the Speed network. :smug
Having Sirius through E* has got me hooked on their music channels, in fact i'm listening to Hair Nation now and i've listned to more music at home than I ever had before Sirius was added to E*. With Central Iowa no longer having an ESPN Radio affilate on traditional radio, my wife want's a cat for our son and we just got our taxes done, time to do a little bargaining (sp?)!
Sirius and the uhf remotes are the only things I truly miss with D*. If they decide to charge for sirius I think it will be a bad move on sirius' part to allow, especially considering E* was what got me hooked on them in the first place.

Potential new customer...Equipment questions...

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