My sisters singnal keeps going from 90% to 0% sometimes NO ALL OF TIME>
DTV was out there and said dish is pointed fine and cables test good.
I asked him if the BBC are bad and he said no either they work or don't
Not I do have dixplexor on one of the line not both.
Seems like both turners go to 0 at the same time I didnt check 101 when this happens I notice it on 103
Any ideas or why to check
DTV guys he doesn't know
DTV was out there and said dish is pointed fine and cables test good.
I asked him if the BBC are bad and he said no either they work or don't
Not I do have dixplexor on one of the line not both.
Seems like both turners go to 0 at the same time I didnt check 101 when this happens I notice it on 103
Any ideas or why to check
DTV guys he doesn't know