Sinclair warns of 112 channels being dropped by DISH next Monday (8/16)

For the sub channels?
Maybe some. For others they don't want to pay outrageous fees, or don't want to pay for services when disputes happen, or simply like broadcast channels better, or are tired of paying for channels considering their politics. Those are just a few of many reasons. I've actually considered cutting the cord myself but decided to keep what I got, but I'm still open to cutting the cord and could quite possibly do so in the future.
I'm sure that's true, but the fact that Sling can break out the Disney stuff into a seperate subscription level shows it could be an option for satellite.

Never has been a question that it could be an option for Satellite. RSN's could be A La Carte too. DISH getting them to do it for traditional service is the issue because if they do it for DISH then Directv, Spectrum etc will want it. So much so that the RSNs would rather not be on DISH than to accept being A La Carte. Disney has somewhat of an advantage in negotiations DISH needs them so pushing to take ESPN out of packages may be a non starter, I can't see Disney going down that road for all the others too. Like the RSN's Disney knows alot of people will not pay what ESPN would cost.
Several years ago when my Fox station was pulled because of a dispute - and during football season - DISH agreed to install an antenna at DISH's expense. Works beautifully and integrates wonderfully with the Hopper. You lose PTAT it only allowed for two stations, but it works. Plus HULU had all of Fox's content. I get that for free with Sprint. But hey, it works well. Gotta watch commercials, or upgrade from the free option.

Maybe DISH won't do this for everyone for free. I was a 17 year customer.

I did last year quit DISH for the RSN problem, but I still have the antenna and it still works great when I choose to use it.

ONLY deal DISH had with me is that they would only install this IF I could get all four networks. They told me that if I couldn't get all four they would not install it. I can, and this antenna picks up all the sub channels as well that DISH does not carry. EVEN if this wasn't free I would consider this as an option.
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Good luck with Locast as their days are numbered. As for cheap Charlie, another day, another takedown.

Maybe so - time will tell - but until it is consumers need to do what works best for them.

If Locast was really operating blatantly afoul of the law the broadcasters would have a restraining order in place. They don't. That alone means its not so concrete on the legal arguments they advance.
Maybe so - time will tell - but until it is consumers need to do what works best for them.

If Locast was really operating blatantly afoul of the law the broadcasters would have a restraining order in place. They don't. That alone means its not so concrete on the legal arguments they advance.

As long as Locast is status as a 501c nonprofit. I don't think they will go anywhere. The owner's of Locast are Lawyers in the 501c nonprofit business

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Sinclair has painted itself into a corner. The whole purpose of amassing all those locals was to use those shear numbers as clout to force Dish (and others) to pay exorbitant fees to continue to carry them so it has put itself in a position where it almost can't back down. The problem is they picked on the wrong guy, possibly the one person in the entire industry who actually plays hardball. This'll be interesting, Charlie doesn't have to back down and Sinclair can't (but, IMHO, they will eventually have to or end up in Chapter 11).

If I were Dish I'd let it ride and here's why, locals are a PITA. Not everybody wants them and very few, if any, are willing to pay double or triple. The business of managing providing locals is, at best, a break even undertaking and logistical nightmare. I have believed for quite a while that Dish would just a soon stop carrying them altogether. As time progresses the end user (not everyone but the majority) has more and more options available to get the locals. Given all that, I believe Sinclaire made as big a mistake as AT&T did when it bought DTV and the results are going to be very similar.
Humm, I just got done and checked all my timers for Columbus, OH: WSYX (ABC), WSYX-3 (FOX).

Sinclair has such sh!tty and lame assed shows that I only found two timers for ABC and neither are shows currently on and nothing from the propaganda channel.

Now if it were the CW, I'd have some work to do!

Go get 'em Charlie!! We're behind you!
I don't know why they couldn't create a way to use Air tv quad tuner with the DISH Hopper using an app. Then you could have a separate hard drive for ota locals . DISH makes money on the Air tv quad tuners up front and they no longer have to charge their subs for locals -unless they can't get them by ota antenna. It works for Sling tv , it could work with DISH since they own both companies anyway. It also would take some of the leverage from Sinclair and like companies trying to extort them with ever increasing fees for carrying their stations.
Anyone want to start a thread to guess how long this will last?
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Anyone want to start a thread to guess how long this will last?

For this dispute. who knows? For the underlying problem, just as soon as the government imposed local channel monopoly ends. When that occurs, viewers will be free to choose and MPVD's (and others) will provide options without coercion and at a much lower cost.

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