Sinclair Launches Ad-Supported Streaming Service STIRR

Heres something for you all to think on. You all no sinclair is in it for the money. (Things I like about sinclair,maybe a new start of saturday morning cartoons on their diginet channels,Kids Click,)Might be a new diginet money maker for all them to start up saturday morning cartoons and get rid if the informercials, 5 hours 7 am till noon. and then on sunday the 3 hours of I/E, (What I don't like is the takeing over their local affilaites,with politiccal stands.) But anyways here is what sinclair might have in mine for the future. Everyone knows the are the lead in the ATSC 3.0 with it ip based two way communications and more diginets on one main channel.(All for astc 3.0,can't wait for it to happen.) Anyway maybe they are thinking ahead, By putting their Stirr app on one of the subcarrier channels to a main channel they could have all their channels in one place so every place in the country could have all their diginet channels in one place. Comet,Stadium,TBD,etc. So if have by end of year around 50 stations on the app STIRR the could monitize the stations better commercial wise.
Think about it, say sinclair does this,Netflix,Hulu,DTVnow,etc do this people whouldn't really need internet to watch ever they want whether OTA or OTT off a broadcast channel and not have to worry about an expensive unlimited internet service.
People could go with a cheaper basic internet for email and such and woulld need all that data and catch all their tv viewing whether on a tablet,smartphone,laptop hook to a tv if want to watch it that way. Atsc 3.0 is about watching live broadcast stations on other devices like smartphone,tablet,etc Anyways would be an easy way to compete with the cable and satellite companies. .
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Heres something for you all to think on. You all no sinclair is in it for the money. (Things I like about sinclair,maybe a new start of saturday morning cartoons on their diginet channels,Kids Click,)Might be a new diginet money maker for all them to start up saturday morning cartoons and get rid if the informercials, 5 hours 7 am till noon. and then on sunday the 3 hours of I/E, (What I don't like is the takeing over their local affilaites,with politiccal stands.) But anyways here is what sinclair might have in mind for the future. Everyone knows the are the lead in the ATSC 3.0 with it ip based two way communications and more diginets on one main channel.(All for astc 3.0,can't wait for it to happen.) Anyway maybe they are thinking ahead, By putting their Stirr app on one of the subcarrier channels to a main channel they could have all their channels in one place so every place in the country could have all their diginet channels in one place. Comet,Stadium,TBD,etc. So if have by end of year around 50 stations on the app STIRR the could monitize the stations better commercial wise.
Think about it, say sinclair does this,Netflix,Hulu,DTVnow,etc do this people whouldn't really need internet to watch whatever they want whether OTA or OTT off a broadcast channel and not have to worry about an expensive unlimited internet service,in fact wouldn't even need internet. So whould be a true cordcutters dream. As for the ones that want internet for other things,Well they could sign up and have that too..
People could go with a cheaper basic internet for email and such and woulldn't need all that data and catch all their tv viewing whether on a tablet,smartphone,laptop hook to a tv if want to watch it that way. Atsc 3.0 is about watching live broadcast stations on other devices like smartphone,tablet,etc Anyways would be an easy way to compete with the cable and satellite companies. In fact atsc 3.0 is going to be a cable company,telco and isp's nightmare.
Love that I can get my Buzzr fix on Stirr. That channel is much better than GSN these days (An hours long marathon of Steve Harvey Feud? No thank you, I'll watch the classics).
Hey guys and gals here is another site for some OTA channels that might not be in your area you might want to watch. Add this and stirr Home together and you got another dozen plus OTA to add to you antenna if not in your area. iGoCast - Live TV With it you get Buzzr again,Newsnet new OTA channel,Antenna TV,Action Channel,NewsMax,WeatherNation,This TV,Retro TV,Rev'n, The Country Network(TCN),Justice Network,Nasa,Plus More OTA channel. Then another OTA channel you can add not on a service yet is Light TV,Light TV - Light TV and if you look there is more OTA out there.
Hey guys and gals here is another site for some OTA channels that might not be in your area you might want to watch. Add this and stirr Home together and you got another dozen plus OTA to add to you antenna if not in your area. iGoCast - Live TV With it you get Buzzr again,Newsnet new OTA channel,Antenna TV,Action Channel,NewsMax,WeatherNation,This TV,Retro TV,Rev'n, The Country Network(TCN),Justice Network,Nasa,Plus More OTA channel. Then another OTA channel you can add not on a service yet is Light TV,Light TV - Light TV and if you look there is more OTA out there.

Being discussed here: What is iGoCast Live TV?
Stirr is a lot like Pluto TV, and in fact they have some of the same channels including Buzzr.

While Pluto TV has a lot more to watch Stirr is not off to a bad start.
Then another OTA channel you can add not on a service yet is Light TV,Light TV - Light TV and if you look there is more OTA out there.
Aren't there already so many channels out there that they're tripping over each other for content?

If they took all the channels that you watch for only two hours a week and combined them, we wouldn't have to worry about the repack or the Next Gen TV transition.
Funny if you read Stirrs terms of service,It is what I said sinclair was up too.Not knocking it,All for atsc 3.0 and what it can do.But all let your brain work. THINK.
Funny if you read Stirrs terms of service,It is what I said sinclair was up too.Not knocking it,All for atsc 3.0 and what it can do.But all let your brain work. THINK.

Funny if you read Stirrs terms of service,It is what I said sinclair was up too.Not knocking it,All for atsc 3.0 and what it can do.But all let your brain work. THINK.
If you aren't specific about what elements of the TOS make you think what you think, you're point is failed. It may be failed anyway, but you should at least try.
Sorry I shouldn't of said it was in the terms of service I got mixed up the night I posted it. Probably drank to much. What I was really talking about is they can start with atsc 3.0 and start a service like netflix or hulu that is over the air, You wouldn't even need the internet but you could since atsc 3.0 is ip base and can do two way comunications. I was talking about this interview with the ceo of sinclair reason I said maybe they have future plans reason they did stirr. Where they could put all their stations in one spot and then all their stations could be one big subcarrier channel and would be east to add to all their main stations across the country. Would be great for the add revinue for their stations and wouldn't have to share it with locals. Anyways heres the interview and if you read number 5 you will understand my thinking.
Online Video's 'Sea Of Blood' And ATSC 3.0's Promise: Sinclair CEO Chris Ripley

Here is the line I'm talking about.
And then, last but not least, it can be pay-walled so you can offer subscription-based services the likes of Netflix or Hulu, where certain content may be free and certain content you have to be a subscriber to get.

I know they won't make their broadcast and diginet pay per view because they are getting the spectrum for free and the agreement with the broadcaster was they had to have the free tv out there or they would lose the spectrum and you know they don't want to loose the spectrum they are using that belongs to the people to the telco's but they can add services like netflix and hule on their stations that are pay per view or subscription.
I see your point about STIRR. It's likely that they'll use something like that for the interactive on-demand stuff, but I think you'll need an internet connection to receive it. The two-way communication won't work with just your indoor/outdoor antenna. That won't be broadcasting back to the station for a signal handshake or anything. Most likely you'll have Wi-Fi or a hardwired connection for the set-top box or TV to communicate with that station's server or network's server to request information.
I see your point about STIRR. It's likely that they'll use something like that for the interactive on-demand stuff, but I think you'll need an internet connection to receive it. The two-way communication won't work with just your indoor/outdoor antenna. That won't be broadcasting back to the station for a signal handshake or anything. Most likely you'll have Wi-Fi or a hardwired connection for the set-top box or TV to communicate with that station's server or network's server to request information.
So it won't really be need an internet connection

Sent from my SM-G950U using the SatelliteGuys app!
I was thinking
I see your point about STIRR. It's likely that they'll use something like that for the interactive on-demand stuff, but I think you'll need an internet connection to receive it. The two-way communication won't work with just your indoor/outdoor antenna. That won't be broadcasting back to the station for a signal handshake or anything. Most likely you'll have Wi-Fi or a hardwired connection for the set-top box or TV to communicate with that station's server or network's server to request information.

I was thinking that two at first but you have to think of something else. Microsoft is already testing whitespace internet in like 10 cities so the two way communication with the broadcast station can do it with just an antenna. If microsoft and other companies can offer internet over a broadcast shitespace spectrum that was freed up why couldn't the broadcasters.
Also the broadcasters already say with astc 3.0 you would be able to vote on a show or pick a candident without an internet connection, Then why wouldn't you be able to pick something like a service or pick something like stirr or pluto or iGOcast. Also think about it, the cellphone makers are using the same spectrum for cellphone service. Whitespace spectrum is just the space between the channels to block out interferience that the broadcasters don't need anymore. Whitespace=cbrs spectrum(citizens band radio signal)so same as the stuff like wireless mics and stuff. Maybe one of the reasons NAB and Cable companies are fighting so much against Microsoft and others from using free spectrum(cbrs) When the telcos and cables had to buy most of thwir spectrum even if they too are using whatespace(cbrs) for somestuff Like in home extended range boosters.

P.S. You also got to think about who was the leadin for atsc 3.0 and who owns lots of the patents for it, Sinclair

P.P.S I don't agree half of what sinclair does like the political s^*t and try to get too big. Stuff that hurts consumers but there is somethings I like they are doing. I think atsc 3.0 is going to be great for cordcutters and antenna sales.
Another thing about it I know microsoft has to have microcells for whitespace internet at so much distance from the broadcast station but look how much data has to travel back and forth, Voting or signing up for a subscription would be more like talking on a cb, Would take much data going back and forth. So maybe a little box in your house or say already built into the atsc 3.0 signal which it already seems to me is in it. Would just need a dongle or new tv or something to get the atsc 3.0 signal.
On a side note here, Anybody ever watch this show from 57-59, most if not all episodes are on youtube but anyways with what they guessed was going to be invented are like 99 percent out there now. Good show the need to update it now for what they think will be out in next 50 years.
Science Fiction Theatre (with your host, Truman Bradley)
I reported Sinclair/Comet Tv 2 days ago to the FCC for not having Closed Captions. They just finally turned them on tonight! They kept giving me some bull that they were "exempt" from having to provide them. Guess it didn't take the Feds long to tell them otherwise.

Long Time DTV Sub wishing to cut the cord

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