It is done "properly" as per the agreement between Bell and the CAB (Canadian Association of Broadcasters of which Bell is the largest member). Anyone who selects Expressvu should be aware of this.
The agreement between SC and the CAB is different - essentially only in Grade B contour when the CAB member has notified SC in writing.
I went to Windsor, On the other day to view the DSR530 in action. In passing the dealer, who also sells Expressvu, mentioned that Bell is going to move to their version of HDLite (3 HD/transponder) ala DTV. There is already a difference in HD PQ SC vs Bell at 2/transponder.
He also mentioned that Echostar 5 will be moving to 129 to become Ciel 1 as soon as FCC approval for the move is approved. It is scheduled to be operational at the end of August. According to him this will open up at least 2 additional transponders on Anik F2 ku for SC at the end of September. 1 will be used to return the PPV service back up to May levels, and the other for CBC HD + 1 additional unnamed service - but we can surmise that it will not be a Bell or Global owned service.