Simple HD solution

Harry said:
I have the LG LST-3100A. The only thing I do not care for on it is the remote, specifically the volume control. It controls the volume through the STB and not the TV. To me, it has a better picture than the 811, although the 811 is not bad. It supposidly has the 5th generation chip.

To have both is redundant but with my HD package requirement fixing to be completed, I wanted an alternative to the 811. This way, I will be able to watch HD and tape something else from satellite (wife requirement!) if push comes to shove. E* is simply moving too slow in adding anything to the HD package. I can only watch so many shark shows on DiscoveryHD, which is getting repetative. HDNet is a nice outfit but I occassionally only watch a movie now and then on their movie channel. HBO pretty much sucks now and I will be dropping it soon. :no I guess I am too impatient with a service that is still in it's infancy.
This is great....I love to hear the experiences of STB users...

I know what you mean about only being able to handle so much Discovery HD...not that the producers what to hear that..;) Now...Have you seen Bikini Destinations on HDNet? My wife nearly beat me with the remote last time I watched that... :D
nippjas said:
Now...Have you seen Bikini Destinations on HDNet? My wife nearly beat me with the remote last time I watched that... :D
I'm glad I no longer have a wife. ;)

I bought this BD Tape, you're wife would have a coniption fit over that! :p
Voom PQ

I have Voom and dish here and I can tell you Voom blows dish away in PQ, HD and SD. SD is not even close, a few Voom SD channels look as good as some of the dish HD. All Voom needs is a few more channels and programming options. You havent experianced HD at its best until you try Voom.
DarrellP said:
I'm glad I no longer have a wife. ;)

I bought this BD Tape, you're wife would have a coniption fit over that! :p
But is the title really appropriate seeing they left the Bikini's in the dressing room...;)

(Alternative) OTA HD-STB Discussion

SD PQ Degraded after Using Dish Interactive

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