Silly question about the 922

I would have to say as a 922 user since they first became available, they finally have it working properly.

But, when you consider you have to pay $200 for the upgrade vs a 722 and you have to pay $4/month more, it seriously makes the 722 look like the better receiver. The buyer will have to decide if more recording space and a fancy interface is worth the extra money. Dish through their slow update process has made it clear that the 922 is not going to be the flagship receiver. The 722 still gets things before the 922. Yes you can say sling was always on the 922, but it really was not fixed to work reliably until the 722 got sling. The 722 also got google TV first (I assume they will get it to work with the 922 one day).

Dish has been slow with the bug fixes and updates on the 922. It is the neglected receiver not the flagship. It works well enough now for me to say go for it if you want to pay the extra money for the fancy menus and extra recording space.
That's the problem RJFRANDLE. Many of you do NOT READ my posts. You only ASSUME that I am still angry about the bait /switch tactics that DISH has pulled on unsuspecting subs out there in order to get them to upgrade to the 922, or in my case to buy one. I've moved past that . I am very happy with the 722k and the sling adapter. Although my experience with the 922 is two months" out of date" as ya'll put it, I think it is still relevant. IF they truly fixed the 4 recordings at a time , then I am happy. I wanted the 922 to be all that it was supposed to be, but it wasn't. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in the progress of it and in this individual thread, the guy who started it ,was asking as to which was better to upgrade to: The 922 or the 722k +sling adapter. I have had both of these receivers and I gave him my honest assessment of which one was better TO ME.

I will continue to post when and where I want to as this is a FREE country . IF anyone doesn't like to read my posts, as evidence in this thread has shown , I will suggest to you all again, pass them on or add me to IGNORE. It won't bother me in the least , because I have done this myself with some of ya'll. But I will not be cyber bullied by a mob mentality on this web board. I have been a member going back 8 years and I am a supporter. Please treat me and everyone on this board with respect and let everyone express their opinions as they see fit.
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I would have to say as a 922 user since they first became available, they finally have it working properly.

But, when you consider you have to pay $200 for the upgrade vs a 722 and you have to pay $4/month more, it seriously makes the 722 look like the better receiver. The buyer will have to decide if more recording space and a fancy interface is worth the extra money. Dish through their slow update process has made it clear that the 922 is not going to be the flagship receiver. The 722 still gets things before the 922. Yes you can say sling was always on the 922, but it really was not fixed to work reliably until the 722 got sling. The 722 also got google TV first (I assume they will get it to work with the 922 one day).

Dish has been slow with the bug fixes and updates on the 922. It is the neglected receiver not the flagship. It works well enough now for me to say go for it if you want to pay the extra money for the fancy menus and extra recording space.

I agree . I don't think the 922 is going to be the flagship receiver it was advertised to be. Charlie said as much on a Charlie Chat when he said the 922 didn't have the processing speed to do built in google applications. He said the next and best receiver the "923" would be the one to have it all. Proving once again , that DISH is always coming out with the next best receiver that you will "have to have" in order to have it all. I've been with DISH 14 years tomorrow on 1/18/11, and it has been this way for the entire time. I have had just about all the newest and greatest receivers from the 7100/7200 webtv/dishplayers to the 922 ,and I think that DISH should concentrate on making their existing receivers function well with all the features or add ons they can get, so subs don't have to keep upgrading to newer buggy receivers that aren't ready to do all that they were advertised to do. The 722k seems to be one of those receivers you can add modules and adapters to , in order to have a full featured experience.
MikeD-C05 said:
And you should mind your own business.

You will now join my ignore list, because I will not argue with vapid people on the internet. I have better things to do .

Apparently not.
Mike I think you are taking things too personally. I for one have no intention of "personal attacks", so hopefully you didn't take my post that way. Try to see it from the other perspective as well. Many of us are pleased with the 922 as it is today (I think we all had some issues when it first came out). I don't know what to tell you about the 4 recordings at one time thing, but as I stated, it works for me multiple times per week with no issues. I think we are just tired of hearing the same comments over and over from you, especially since some of the information is now outdated.
I had (and still have) a 922 from the beginning. As far as bugs are concerned, it's much better than it used to be, but I'm still seeing the a problem when you try to record 4 things at once from time to time. I always record two of everything because of this bug. Usually one out of the two recordings will be ok.

There are some 722 features that are simply missing from 922 and I wish the menu system had a numeric equivalent so that you can program a numeric sequence to change things like toggling closed captions on/off.

Considering that we'll never see the web browser and DNLA is available in everything else like blu-ray players, I don't see the the benefit pf paying $200 plus $4 per month extra for the 'flagship' receiver.
Mike I think you are taking things too personally. I for one have no intention of "personal attacks", so hopefully you didn't take my post that way. Try to see it from the other perspective as well. Many of us are pleased with the 922 as it is today (I think we all had some issues when it first came out). I don't know what to tell you about the 4 recordings at one time thing, but as I stated, it works for me multiple times per week with no issues. I think we are just tired of hearing the same comments over and over from you, especially since some of the information is now outdated.

Okay Lakebum, I don't think you really read my posts in this thread. Other than the 4 recordings at a time thing being outdated ,I didn't post anything else that wasn't true or ripped on the 922. I answered the thread starter as to which was better in my opinion ,the 922 or the 722k+sling adapter. MY comments were for the thread starter not for you are anyone else who is happy with the 922. I listed the pluses of the 922 and the negatives as well as agreed with others who saw the same defects and pluses in the 922.

I think many ,including you Lakebum, are assuming that all my posts about the 922 are going to be angry. so you don't actually READ them. And you know what happens when you assume ? I have moved past my angry feeling about the 922 ,but that doesn't mean that I am going to just see rainbows and shoot unicorns out of my butt about it. IF the 922 has improved in the last two months since I had it , then great news. But in discussing this receiver there are going to be negatives and positives discussed just like all DISH receivers.

So rather than be dismissive of anything I post because of my past anger over this receiver ,why not actually read the posts and take them as part of the conversation, not as attacks on the 922. IF my posts help alert DISH to the way the 922 was handled , marketed and how many of us feel that the 922 is not all it was advertised to be , then even better. It might deter DISH from pulling another stunt like this 922 release again in the future.

I have been a strong supporter of DISH as well as a sub for 14 years tomorrow. I said before I have owned just about every cutting edge receiver that they came out with . My dispute with them is the way they release new receivers and make us all beta testers ,why they decide what they will fix and what promised features they will cut. This whole 922 fiasco of a release must of hit home with DISH because at CES they not only didn't release a new receiver coming like the "923" that Charlie quipped about on the C.Chat, but they actually are working on releasing the sling extender 300 that was promised last year for the 922 and any vip receiver +sling adapter.

As for personal attacks , the idea of everybody making comments about anything I post and then adding their two cents is childish and it smacks of flaming. You personally might not of made a out right attack ,but you did nothing to discourage others from piling up on me. This is a mob mentality that exists on this forum that needs to be nipped in the bud. It sets a poor example for new members as well as older subs like yourself. If I have to worry about being bullied when I post , then this becomes a very hostile place to visit, and the exchange of ideas and useful information is stopped for fear of attacks and ridicule. For example I refer you to Dbstalk website and James Long as the biggest cyber bully there ever was. He is the reason I no longer post there due to his constant pms and public attacks on anything said that is the slightest bit critical of DISH . This is supposed to be the "friendly discussion forum " as the header on the home page says. Ya'll are hardly being friendly and I dare say down right hostile to me. I don't attack ya'll and I don't dismiss your comments as " out of date".

As for contributing to this forum I will continue to do so where and when I feel I need to or want to. You don't have to own a 922 to be part of the conversation. If that was the case you would be a very small minority of subs that would be talking to each other. I say for a final time and please take it to heart: IF you don't want to read my comments , PLease Don't and please add me to your ignore list. Life is to short for this crap.
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I had (and still have) a 922 from the beginning. As far as bugs are concerned, it's much better than it used to be, but I'm still seeing the a problem when you try to record 4 things at once from time to time. I always record two of everything because of this bug. Usually one out of the two recordings will be ok.

There are some 722 features that are simply missing from 922 and I wish the menu system had a numeric equivalent so that you can program a numeric sequence to change things like toggling closed captions on/off.

Considering that we'll never see the web browser and DNLA is available in everything else like blu-ray players, I don't see the the benefit pf paying $200 plus $4 per month extra for the 'flagship' receiver.

This was my experience as well with the 4 recordings at a time. I added distant networks from L.A. when I had the 922 so I never had to record more than two or three things at a time. That way I didn't miss any of my shows. A few others on this board are saying that this problem was fixed. But you are still experiencing this problem?
This was my experience as well with the 4 recordings at a time. I added distant networks from L.A. when I had the 922 so I never had to record more than two or three things at a time. That way I didn't miss any of my shows. A few others on this board are saying that this problem was fixed. But you are still experiencing this problem?

Yes, but it's only happened a couple times in the last two months. Then again, I haven't recorded as much OTA during that time period.
Yes, but it's only happened a couple times in the last two months. Then again, I haven't recorded as much OTA during that time period.

I am a power user with 2 ota and 2 sat at a time recording during prime time just about 3 or 4 times a week. I noticed it when I had the 922 , it sometimes would miss a sat program and other times it was an ota program. No real rhyme or reason to it. The 722k still has a bug where the show will start and you will get to a point and it will freeze and then go to the end. I guess what ever receiver you get there will be bugs to deal with. The more shows you record at a time the more you will see it.
Okay Lakebum, I don't think you really read my posts in this thread. Other than the 4 recordings at a time thing being outdated ,I didn't post anything else that wasn't true or ripped on the 922. I answered the thread starter as to which was better in my opinion ,the 922 or the 722k+sling adapter. MY comments were for the thread starter not for you are anyone else who is happy with the 922. I listed the pluses of the 922 and the negatives as well as agreed with others who saw the same defects and pluses in the 922.

I think many ,including you Lakebum, are assuming that all my posts about the 922 are going to be angry. so you don't actually READ them. And you know what happens when you assume ? I have moved past my angry feeling about the 922 ,but that doesn't mean that I am going to just see rainbows and shoot unicorns out of my butt about it. IF the 922 has improved in the last two months since I had it , then great news. But in discussing this receiver there are going to be negatives and positives discussed just like all DISH receivers.

So rather than be dismissive of anything I post because of my past anger over this receiver ,why not actually read the posts and take them as part of the conversation, not as attacks on the 922. IF my posts help alert DISH to the way the 922 was handled , marketed and how many of us feel that the 922 is not all it was advertised to be , then even better. It might deter DISH from pulling another stunt like this 922 release again in the future.

I have been a strong supporter of DISH as well as a sub for 14 years tomorrow. I said before I have owned just about every cutting edge receiver that they came out with . My dispute with them is the way they release new receivers and make us all beta testers ,why they decide what they will fix and what promised features they will cut. This whole 922 fiasco of a release must of hit home with DISH because at CES they not only didn't release a new receiver coming like the "923" that Charlie quipped about on the C.Chat, but they actually are working on releasing the sling extender 300 that was promised last year for the 922 and any vip receiver +sling adapter.

As for personal attacks , the idea of everybody making comments about anything I post and then adding their two cents is childish and it smacks of flaming. You personally might not of made a out right attack ,but you did nothing to discourage others from piling up on me. This is a mob mentality that exists on this forum that needs to be nipped in the bud. It sets a poor example for new members as well as older subs like yourself. If I have to worry about being bullied when I post , then this becomes a very hostile place to visit, and the exchange of ideas and useful information is stopped for fear of attacks and ridicule. For example I refer you to Dbstalk website and James Long as the biggest cyber bully there ever was. He is the reason I no longer post there due to his constant pms and public attacks on anything said that is the slightest bit critical of DISH . This is supposed to be the "friendly discussion forum " as the header on the home page says. Ya'll are hardly being friendly and I dare say down right hostile to me. I don't attack ya'll and I don't dismiss your comments as " out of date".

As for contributing to this forum I will continue to do so where and when I feel I need to or want to. You don't have to own a 922 to be part of the conversation. If that was the case you would be a very small minority of subs that would be talking to each other. I say for a final time and please take it to heart: IF you don't want to read my comments , PLease Don't and please add me to your ignore list. Life is to short for this crap.

I've read ever word of your posts in this thread from the beginning. You should be able to see that from my posts as I pointed out the benefits that you left out (ie DNLA).

I didn't know that it was my job to defend you...
I am a power user with 2 ota and 2 sat at a time recording during prime time just about 3 or 4 times a week. I noticed it when I had the 922 , it sometimes would miss a sat program and other times it was an ota program. No real rhyme or reason to it. The 722k still has a bug where the show will start and you will get to a point and it will freeze and then go to the end. I guess what ever receiver you get there will be bugs to deal with. The more shows you record at a time the more you will see it.

I record 2 ota and 2 sat all the time on the 922. No problem.
I've read ever word of your posts in this thread from the beginning. You should be able to see that from my posts as I pointed out the benefits that you left out (ie DNLA).

I didn't know that it was my job to defend you...

Okay, Lakebum. That is all you got out of my previous post? I obviously over estimated your comprehension of what I was trying to post. It is very exhausting trying to communicate with someone, when they only focus on one thing and exclude everything else I was trying to convey. It might not be your job to stand up for someone , but I would like to think that if you saw someone being jumped on , you would do the right thing and stand up for them. I know I stand up and do the right thing every day at work, at the prison as a correctional officer and have had to do this for going on 18 years next summer.
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I record 2 ota and 2 sat all the time on the 922. No problem.

Well maybe I bought a bad 922, when I had it . It never reliably recorded 4 shows at a time and it never did sling in hd like my 722k does now with the sling adapter. But it looks like I wasn't the only one ,according to the other poster I responded to.
Okay, Lakebum. That is all you got out of my previous post? I obviously over estimated your comprehension of what I was trying to post. It is very exhausting trying to communicate with someone, when they only focus on one thing and exclude everything else I was trying to convey. It might not be your job to stand up for someone , but I would like to think that if you saw someone being jumped on , you would do the right thing and stand up for them. I know I stand up and do the right thing every day at work, at the prison as a correctional officer and have had to do this for going on 18 years next summer.

That is all I felt like I needed to respond to. I didn't know you expected a response to everything. I'm done discussing this. We know you don't like the 922, but otherwise like Dish. End of story, no need to repeat.
as a correctional officer and have had to do this for going on 18 years next summer.

That explains a lot. :D

I started reading this thread when I saw on the front page that 922's would be available for Dish n' it up.

I was wondering why I'd want a 922 and was going to post my own thread then I found this one.

This thread was very informative and definitely entertaining...

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