Signals drop after changing stuff around

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
Last weekend I did some changing around the antenna farm. One of the things I did was eliminated the 4 way switch and added a 2 way switch after the motor. Put the DBS LNBF next to the KU band one. I also had to run a new cable from the motor to the house, as the other one wasn’t long enough.

Since I have done these changes, it seems like my signals are down. CCTV, which I can pull a 80 easily is around 60, Doc is around 60 and ONN is around 70 (should be 90). So I messed around with it yesterday.

-Elevation is right
-bypassed switch (same results)

But what is weird is when I unscrew the coax in the back of the Pansat and just leave the pin in 9cable is in the unit but barely) I get a 90 on CCTV. I don’t think it’s a grounding issue, as the cable connectors were put on right.

Tried to swap the cable last night, which became a mistake (it was getting dark quickly). I hooked 2 sets of 2 cables (connected together) and both gave me same results…the receiver made it look like it shorted out. It wouldn’t power on.

I was able to hook everything back up as it was and the unit worked as it was before. More work this weekend but I’m trying to figure out where the issue is ?

The only other thing is the DBS LNBF eye is next to the KU Band eye (they are touching)….this wouldn’t screw it up…….would it???
I would start by looking at all your connections again, I know its a pain but then I would start renewing all the ends. Let me know if you need any I have one or two spare : )
Thats what I'll try this weekend.(unless it rians) a straight shot line from the motor to the receiver and see.....

dang it...brand new cable (2200 rated) and it doesn't work.
Tried to swap the cable last night, which became a mistake (it was getting dark quickly). I hooked 2 sets of 2 cables (connected together) and both gave me same results…the receiver made it look like it shorted out. It wouldn’t power on.

Sometimes those work meetings help you was shorting out because I was plugging it into the IN on the motor (the one that would come from the LNB) not the OUT to the receiver

it seems to be working now...I changed some stuff around and the only thing I can think of was the DiSEqC switch coax end was touching the mast and probbaly grounding something out
SBS6 is back to 75
Doc is 75-90
G10 is still low...have to work on that
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