Signal strength problem on 101

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Spider John

Original poster
Apr 23, 2005
I've had DTV for several years on a round single tv dish without any problems.
Self installed BTW.

A couple of months ago I went to a 3 LBN oval dish to get the recently available local channels here in the Pensacola FL area. Still on a single cable/tv.

I plummed the mast and aligned the dish without a problem. The 101 sat was only about 50 to 70 signal strength on all the transponders but I figured I could live with that.

About 2 weeks ago the 101 sat channels started pixelating and dropping out completely during the day and into the early evening but later on in the night they held the signal a little better, although still weak.

I've realigned the dish several times since the and I get the 110 and 119 sats. between 95 and 100% strength all the time(with about half the transponders at 100), but the 101 just will not keep a signal consistantly. It drops out to 0 and back to 30 or 40% several times a minute, which makes watching the majority of my channels impossible.

Am I just not getting the alignment right or do you think I have a hardware problem. This is starting to drive me nuts.
From an HSP, i would change your connectors...the 110 and 119 are sensetive to stuff like this and it make cause the 101 to do this
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