Signal quality on Galaxy 10 11719 TP

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I thinkthey are really messing up with the signal on the 11719 tp (Tube). Since yesterday I can't even lock it, while the other tp and the other sats seem to be at ame levels as before. Before that it was even stronger than the othe equity tp on G10R. Anyone else noticed a difference?
Yup, The Tube's unwatchable for me right now. That's very unusual.

Latest readings:
11719 (The Tube) 34%
11800 (KYPX) 41%
11805 (Research) 39%
11905 (WVXF) 38%
12077 (KBS America) 34% - also unwatchable
12114 (KPBI) 48%
11799 is around 70
11719 is right at 35....real close to the crap-out line, but still watchable
12114 80
Whatever the problem was (wobble, experimentation, whatever), it seems to be fixed now. :clap

My readings for Sunday afternoon, Monday evening, and Tuesday morning:
11719 (The Tube) 34% - 37 - 39 :up
11800 (KYPX) 41% - 39 - 39
11805 (Research) 39% - 39 - 44
11905 (WVXF) 38% - 39 - 39
12077 (KBS America) 34% - 36 - 37
12114 (KPBI) 48% - 51 - 48
I'll have to check tongiht when I get home :)

also have to check my motor settings after Sunday and our 60+ mph gusts
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im getting ready what do you think?

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