Signal Quality 60, can I do better?

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SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Oct 4, 2005

I have a Pansat 3500, HH90, Fortec 33 inch dish.

After several fits and starts, a bit of astronomy, and a some luck, I managed to finally lock on to AMC-5 and SBS-6 my true south birds. At first the signal quality was around 40, but I managed to get it up to about 60-70 or so for both satellites.

However, I'm wondering if I can do 60, can I do better? I've yet to see anything over 75 while tweaking, and was wondering is 60 "good enough" or should I keep at it?

I did, for reasons that don't make sense, occasionally get a 99, but only for about two "tones" before it dropped back to 10 (consistently at 10). Not sure what that was all about.

I'm noticing while I can get AMC 5 and a few others, there are some satellites (like Galaxy 3) that show up with no signal quality. I was using USALS to find the other satellites and was kind of wondering if the reason some are 0 is because my main one is only 60?
Which one gives you a 60?
ONN (74W) for me is around 60-65
The ones on AMC5 are between 50-70

The 10 to 99 back to 10 is normal on the Pansat…it thinks it has a signal but then spazzes out.

For G3, use the following
11780 freq
H polarity
20760 symbol rate

Real strong…about a 80-85 here in Minnesota
The signal meter on the Pansat is kind of goofy.

I've dialed in a channel that pegs the meter and it still had break-up while watching it. I moved the dish slightly and the picture was great.
Congrats on getting your system up and running!

The best quality I have seen so far with my 76cm dish is 82. Most are 50-75 range.
Sounds good. AMC5 was over 60 and that was my true south. I've since started some blind searches and am doing pretty well (got T5 and a few others to give my mother in law some Chinese programming).

Wanted to pull in Galaxy 13/Horizons 1, but it is pretty low in the West given that I have a lot of trees to the West. I suspect my only way around that is to reposition the dish to the NW corner of my house or go up on the roof (40 feet up) and shoot over the trees.

Roof isn't a realistic option as the wife would kill me. If you factor in the cliff on the side of the house, it's almost 100 feet down from the top so it is tough to find anyone who wants to go up there.
I decided long ago, if I get anything over a 25 signal, it's good enough for either get it or you don't (digital sig. that is). And if it rains (very hard) it doesn't matter if I'm getting a 75 or 25 signal, I will lose it.
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