Signal problem due to trees for Dish Network!

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Original poster
Sep 27, 2010
Hi All,
I am trying to get Dish Network installed at my house on Oct 1 (this is the only way for the supervisor from Dish to come for inspection). Unfortunately, on the south side of my house there is a hill about 30 feet high & trees (some belong to the neighbor). About a month back, the technician from Dish Network told me that i need to get all the trees out of the way for a good signal. Its way to expensive to get those trees out of the way. I am not getting my programming other than Dish (specially international programming). The roof of my house is not high enough to get the signal. And my township also has rules in case the dish is more than 2 feet in dia (get permit) & the area where the dish can be installed in my property! Question: can any one suggest whether some sort of tower or high pole (even from my roof) would do the job? Isn't there some better way to assess which exact tree needs removal? Help me what questions or tips i can ask the supervisor when he visits on Oct 1.
Hi All,
I am trying to get Dish Network installed at my house on Oct 1 (this is the only way for the supervisor from Dish to come for inspection). Unfortunately, on the south side of my house there is a hill about 30 feet high & trees (some belong to the neighbor). About a month back, the technician from Dish Network told me that i need to get all the trees out of the way for a good signal. Its way to expensive to get those trees out of the way. I am not getting my programming other than Dish (specially international programming). The roof of my house is not high enough to get the signal. And my township also has rules in case the dish is more than 2 feet in dia (get permit) & the area where the dish can be installed in my property! Question: can any one suggest whether some sort of tower or high pole (even from my roof) would do the job? Isn't there some better way to assess which exact tree needs removal? Help me what questions or tips i can ask the supervisor when he visits on Oct 1.

Hi Abishek,

I think you need to first become familiar with the FCC OTARD rules: FCC Fact Sheet on Placement of Antennas

Localities cannot limit placement necessary for reception on any dish less than 1 Meter in diameter. There are some cases where they can limit placement for historic districts, but only when they can show that the dish could be mounted and get reception from the alternate location.

The community may also require a building permit for a mast or tower that extends more than 12' above the roofline of the house, but thye are required to grant it asl long as you comply with safety regulations.

As for the trees, there will likely be more than one as DISH transmits from multiple satellites. Therefore, you need a clear view of the skies at several angles.
Hi Abishek,

I think you need to first become familiar with the FCC OTARD rules: FCC Fact Sheet on Placement of Antennas

Localities cannot limit placement necessary for reception on any dish less than 1 Meter in diameter. There are some cases where they can limit placement for historic districts, but only when they can show that the dish could be mounted and get reception from the alternate location.

The community may also require a building permit for a mast or tower that extends more than 12' above the roofline of the house, but thye are required to grant it asl long as you comply with safety regulations.

As for the trees, there will likely be more than one as DISH transmits from multiple satellites. Therefore, you need a clear view of the skies at several angles.

Wow! This is solid info and great. knowledge is power. Thanks a million!
A technician from Dish Network surveyed my place (house). I have order which includes international programming. He will get the signal from 615, 71, 72 satellite (i have no idea what this means). But this is a new one bcoz the last time some one surveyed & they pointed to a different direction for the signal. I was told that this is new & Dish Network has recently got signal off these new satellite.
According to him, the dish will be installed on my roof but need to cut 4 trees up the hill in my back yard. This new satellite location is definitely means less trees that I had to otherwise cut (plus the 2 in my neighbors yard!).
I requested the technician to install the dish on the ground up the hill, but technician seemed un-willing to go the extra mile. His explanation: "The wire from the roof into my house is much shorter than from the hill (say 150 ft or less)". He tried to explain in an unclear manner. But this will help avoid cutting any trees (that's good) plus the $3000 in money saved!
I will appreciate if any one has ideas to solve this problem or what I could tell the technician? Can some one tell me what is he talking about? Will I really loose picture quality? Will the weather have any effect on long wiring? Can't I just bury the wire underground?
Any case, my installation has been postpone till Oct 15 to take care of the trees (they are not suppose to say to cut any trees).
A technician from Dish Network surveyed my place (house). I have order which includes international programming. He will get the signal from 615, 71, 72 satellite (i have no idea what this means). But this is a new one bcoz the last time some one surveyed & they pointed to a different direction for the signal. I was told that this is new & Dish Network has recently got signal off these new satellite.
According to him, the dish will be installed on my roof but need to cut 4 trees up the hill in my back yard. This new satellite location is definitely means less trees that I had to otherwise cut (plus the 2 in my neighbors yard!).
I requested the technician to install the dish on the ground up the hill, but technician seemed un-willing to go the extra mile. His explanation: "The wire from the roof into my house is much shorter than from the hill (say 150 ft or less)". He tried to explain in an unclear manner. But this will help avoid cutting any trees (that's good) plus the $3000 in money saved!
I will appreciate if any one has ideas to solve this problem or what I could tell the technician? Can some one tell me what is he talking about? Will I really loose picture quality? Will the weather have any effect on long wiring? Can't I just bury the wire underground?
Any case, my installation has been postpone till Oct 15 to take care of the trees (they are not suppose to say to cut any trees).

OK, one at a time: Dish Network has multiple satellites. Each is at a different orbital location. The number represents the Latitude line that the geo-synchronous orbit satellite hovers over. 615 is actually 61.5 w latitude.

Last time you had this done, there were no DISH sats at 72 and 77, so to receive full programming, they needed a clear shot at the satellites at 110, 119 and 129W latitude (much further west).

The new system is called eastern Arc and has really simplified installations on the east coast.

Now for the second part. The installer is just being lazy. He gwets paid a fixed amount, no matter how much work is involved. You are asking him to bury 150 ft of cable and dig and plant a post to mount the dish. He would end up spending more than DISH will pay him, thus losing money on your install.

If you want this to happen, you need to figure out how to compromise. I woould suggest having the trench dug and post installed on your dime before having him do the final install. He then drops the cable in the trench and backfills.

Yep, it would cost some, but probably less than cutting down 4 trees, and be more aesthetically pleasing to boot.

Good luck.
Thanks for your quick reply. You have good suggestion. My problem is how do I figure out the location of the post so that it has the proper facing to the satellite. So that there are no obstacles if you know what I mean.
Thanks for your quick reply. You have good suggestion. My problem is how do I figure out the location of the post so that it has the proper facing to the satellite. So that there are no obstacles if you know what I mean.

Use 'The List' or call your installer and ask which satellites are being accessed. I suspect that for your area it is 61.5, 72 and 77. You can then use the app called There is a tab for it at the top of the page. Select your location and then choose those satellites one at a time. Keep moving the marker around your property until you find a clean view. Then go to that spot and verify it is really clear.

The dishpointer app is really slick and makes it easy.
The suggestion about self supporting towers is good. Although, my township has many restrictions such proper location includes erecting the dish to the rear of the dwelling, fifteen feet from the side lot lines and fifty feet from the rear lot line (Community Development Township of Upper St. Clair).

At the rear of my house, I have about 15 feet flat space before a hill. I own the hill up till the hill becomes flat for about 15 to 20 feet before the neighbor's property up the hill starts. The hill from the base at least 30 feet high and 50 feet deep. There are several trees on the hill. I will not be allowed to put a self supporting tower any where on the hill as it is within 50 feet as per township code. Although this is the best location as it gives an advantage of height. The side of the house are less than 15 feet from the neighbor's houses. So nothing I cannot put the tower on the side.

The roof is good location for the satellite but the trees on the hill are in the way. Unless I remove 5 trees. The house has height of 20 feet from the ground. A self supporting tower may work but I don't have flat roof.

Any suggestions / solution?
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