Your 4 port DiSEqC switch drawing looks fine to me and should work.
My suspect is the OpenBox receiver lnb voltage. The OpenBoxs have a little known problem with the lnb voltage regulator, not to be confused with the power supply. Can you substitute another receiver in your setup?
My OpenBox did this while it was still in warranty and was replaced. Now out of warranty it is starting up again after working fine all summer. I'm going to take it apart and fix it myself this time.
I will post the results and possible fix.
There are a few other threads in here with people having mysterious trouble with switches and signal dropping to zero that I suspect are all related to OpenBox lnb voltage.
Edit: Until more is known about this, as a precaution to all OpenBox owners, I would NOT connect ANYTHING to the loop thru. Voltage from the tagged on receiver can damage the OpenBox. Use a power pass splitter with diode protection instead.