So maybe 2 sets of Dishes with an A/B box?
You could have a ground/pole mount set for winter use, and a roof mount for summer. Then just select whichever set you need at the time.
I looked into Teflon and Mold Release sprays but the "bag" has been great for me on a 500. But would imagine that the spray that I previously pointed out is designed for this? Sorry the bag only works on 500 dishes, with the vertical peak to the dish, and the trick is when placing the bag on it, making sure the seam of the bag is at the apex of the dish down to the LNB. That way it creates a peak that the snow slides off of. Any other way and the bag will catch the snow.I don't live in a snowy area, but I still think someone should try graphite paint sometime. It works well enough in grain bins (real experience there) and I don't see why it wouldn't work. The only problem is I don't know where to buy it.