Yesterday it was raining very lightly, nothing that would normally stop a signal from getting to the the set, yet most of my 129 stations were not available or pixelizing badly.
I checked signal strength and the highest I had was 52. Most were down in the 20s or 30s.
Called dish and the csr said I could not expect to get stations when it is raining, but call back when the rain stops and let us know your signal strength.
Today with clear sky, I checked my 129S and all were up in strength but at least 10 or more percent from normal. My 60 strengths were in the high 40S.
Csr said that was too weak and are sending out another tech to check out my antenna for the 3rd time.
I told her to specify not to send to two preceding guys as they are very rude and call me an idiot etc and that the 50;s is the strongest I can expect, and if I call dish again they will ignore it.
Told csr this and she requested a new or different installer be sent Mon pm.
Anyone else have this happen.
I checked signal strength and the highest I had was 52. Most were down in the 20s or 30s.
Called dish and the csr said I could not expect to get stations when it is raining, but call back when the rain stops and let us know your signal strength.
Today with clear sky, I checked my 129S and all were up in strength but at least 10 or more percent from normal. My 60 strengths were in the high 40S.
Csr said that was too weak and are sending out another tech to check out my antenna for the 3rd time.
I told her to specify not to send to two preceding guys as they are very rude and call me an idiot etc and that the 50;s is the strongest I can expect, and if I call dish again they will ignore it.
Told csr this and she requested a new or different installer be sent Mon pm.
Anyone else have this happen.