Signal combiner with two dishes?


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Original poster
Jan 22, 2006
Hi all,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Hoping someone here can help me with a question. I've got a Dish and a DTV dish set up. One receiver for each in the living room. Last spring, in order to connect both satellite dishes to two TVs in upstairs rooms and avoid having to buy a couple of new receivers, an installer used an Aksa SC4 signal combiner with built-in amplifier to put both sat signals on a single coax. Bought a UHF remote and I had bedroom TV!

This worked great for about a month. Very clear picture on both and no interference from broadcasters on channel four. Then I started losing the signals on a regular basis. I found I could get the signal back by wiggling the wires at the combiner, or unscrewing and then screwing the wires back in. But the connections on the combiner seemed awfully flimsy. The plugs moved around, so I imagined the wires inside weren't connected too well. Eventually, I lost the DTV dish signal upstairs for good.

Anyhow, I'm about to buy another one and try this again, as I assume the original unit was defective, but wanted to see if there were better options out there. This Aksa box seems really poorly made. Also, is it possible to use one of these signal combiners for two satellite systems? It sure seems like it, because my setup worked (albeit off and on) for months, but I wonder because it seems like every description I read involves one sat system and cable, or a DVD player, or some other non-sat device.

Anyhow, thanks for reading and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me work this through. Don't want to waste money on another signal combiner if there is a better option out there. Don't want to spend too much, either, because if cost gets up there, I might as well just buy another receiver or two and string a second coax.
Let me get a clear picture of what you have. 2 receivers 1 Dish and 1 DTV, what you want to do is combine the 2 so when you are watching in the bedroom you can watch one system on channel 3 and the other on channel 4 right?
Yup. And like I said, it did work, at least for a while. Just trying to decide if the combiner is defective or I've got another problem here. I'm assuming the problem is the combiner, because I can regain signal on one dish when I wiggle the connection or disconnect and reconnent it at the combiner.
The Tate said:
wont work. channel 4 will be fuzzy

Does this mean my setup won't work or the splitter turned backwards won't? I've got one wire running all the way around my house, btw, and this is to avoid having to run two, in addition to the receiver expense. Also, I had both channels crystal clear for months after the combiner was first set up.
JoeyJoeJoe said:
Does this mean my setup won't work or the splitter turned backwards won't? I've got one wire running all the way around my house, btw, and this is to avoid having to run two, in addition to the receiver expense. Also, I had both channels crystal clear for months after the combiner was first set up.
he was just saying the splitter turned backwards wont work... which i didnt really think it would because it is too close in frequency. It can definately be done...
i googled signal combiner and this was one of the first sites that came up... this is the cheapest way to do it... and thats probably how the installer installed before.
or you can use a modulator kinda like this one from
that method is a little more expensive, but i prefer it... mostly cause i like having more toys to play with though ;)

p.s: (i'm not recommending buying from the first link i posted.. i know nothing about this company. It was just one of the top google search links)

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