Spectacular launch! As always!
I watched mostly on NASA TV, but did switch to HDNet from time to time to enjoy the HD views. I respect Dobbs and I don't agree that he's clueless; however, I totally agree with others that he is targeting the wrong audience, and just talks too much! I wish they just left the NASA's audio feed alone and simply showed HD shots. Hope NASA TV goes HD some day!
There also seems to be a disconnect between what Dobbs expects and what HDNet engineers are doing. Yesterday, for example, Dobbs kept talking about upcoming "GO - No GO" poll, while HDNet engineers totally missed it. It was shown in all details on NASA TV though. And I just can't forget how HDNet totally missed the entire landing sequence (some time ago). They blamed it on non-operational cameras or something, but why not switch to NASA's video feed at least???
Anyway, I do appreciate what HDNet is trying to do. Thanks for the HD feeds and the 2-hour special! I just wish they realized who their audience is and adjusted their commentary accordingly.