cpdretired Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Dec 6, 2003 834 530 Lemont, Il. Feb 19, 2014 #1 The app is there but Dish is not a provided.
navychop - Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Jul 20, 2005 61,778 29,788 Northern VA Feb 19, 2014 #2 cpdretired said: The app is there but Dish is not a provider. Click to expand... $urpri$e!
cpdretired Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Dec 6, 2003 834 530 Lemont, Il. Feb 19, 2014 #3 NO.
mike123abc Too many cables Supporting Founder Sep 25, 2003 25,679 4,990 Norman, OK Mar 6, 2014 #5 Well I am glad it is now on RoKu, it is a pain doing it with chomecast since I have to use my desktop to have enough horsepower.
Well I am glad it is now on RoKu, it is a pain doing it with chomecast since I have to use my desktop to have enough horsepower.
cpdretired Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Dec 6, 2003 834 530 Lemont, Il. Mar 7, 2014 #6 mike123abc said: Well I am glad it is now on RoKu, it is a pain doing it with chomecast since I have to use my desktop to have enough horsepower. Click to expand... Not available to Dish subs.
mike123abc said: Well I am glad it is now on RoKu, it is a pain doing it with chomecast since I have to use my desktop to have enough horsepower. Click to expand... Not available to Dish subs.